I've Been Tagged!

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I was tagged by both EvitaChristine and SailorNina to write 13 facts about myself. I've done a fact list before so if I repeat any facts I'm sorry!


- I literally just got home from a 5 day trip to Orlando, Florida which is why I haven't written this until now.

- I love the BBC show Sherlock and I'm impatiently awaiting the season 4 premier tomorrow

- I've never had a boyfriend before

- I like to read. Specifically classic books

- I want to become a clinical psychologist when I'm older

- I have long brown hair and brown eyes and I'm very short

- My favorite season is winter

- I have many many many fears. Specifically heights.

- I have always wanted to go to Paris but I know I never will

- I have already planned most of my wedding including the really small details (that's so weird but it's true)

- I don't travel very often but my favorite place to go is New York City.

- I think I'm seeing Phantom on Broadway in April

- I like to think myself to be very observant and I credit that to my love of Sherlock Holmes

Okay! So that's 13 facts about me!

I tag anyone who read this and wants to do it but hasn't yet. Specifically I tag Epius1832 and The_Christine_Daae and dreamy_daae but anyone else who wants to can!

The only rules I have are to list 13 facts about yourself and to tag other people!

Thanks for reading! Sorry if my facts were a little boring I'm not an interesting person!

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