Favorites and Least Favorites: Christine Daae Edition

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So in this chapter I will list my favorite and least favorite Christine Daae's. This one is a little harder because there aren't a lot of Christine's that I absolutely love. There are a lot I like but there aren't too many I get really excited over.


Okay first, here are some of my favorites!

Sierra Boggess: I'm sorry I know a lot of people really don't like her but she is my favorite Christine. Her voice is just unbelievable! It's gorgeous! Very simply gorgeous. Now, for acting we all know that Christine isn't the most complex character ever but there still is a lot to her emotions and Sierra manages to show it all. She shows her fear of the Phantom and her admiration for him at the same time. The rooftop scene with Raoul I think Sierra does brilliantly. And of course she's AMAZING during the final lair. That's obviously the peak of Christine's emotional distress and Sierra plays it perfectly. I think she can be a little screechy at times but that gives it a sense of realism. Now I know a lot of people don't like her because she gets every opportunity and I see where they're coming from but it's not as if she doesn't deserve it. Whether you like her voice or not you must admit it's good so it's not like she's really awful and gets to play her over and over. And yes I wish she didn't sometimes because I want to be introduced to new Christines, especially in Paris (I've been waiting for a French cast recording for as long as I can remember) I wanted a cute new French Christine but I'm still so excited because Sierra singing in French is like the best thing ever, considering I adore her voice!

Ali Ewoldt: Ali is currently playing Christine on Broadway and I really like her. Her voice is pretty. I'd like to go see her on Broadway soon!

Emmi Christensson: Emmi has such a gorgeous voice! Like seriously I really really love her voice. I haven't seen a ton of videos of her so I can't really comment on her acting but I don't even care I'm obsessed with her voice. It's so beautiful! And I love that she's blonde! It's so cute and I think it really works for her! Like I don't think all Christine's could pull off being blonde, like Sierra would probably look odd as a blonde but it looks great on Emmi! Have I mentioned that her voice is GORGEOUS!?

Gina Beck: Gina is so cute. I watched her Think of Me and she adds such a cute childish joy to the way Christine is singing and acting on the stage. I haven't seen any other Christine do that so I really like it. I think that since Christine is pretty childish (in a good way and especially in the book) she'd bring that to her first big performance. Plus Gina is a great singer. Her voice is really really pretty.

Samantha Hill: I love Sam's Christine. Her voice is really different but it's so pretty. And she's like the cutest thing ever. Her high notes I think are especially pretty. I like her scenes with Raoul. They're really cute. She's really good at acting in love I think. It seems so real! And what makes it even better is that her Phantom was Peter Jöback and since both of their voices are so different they fit perfectly together! I love it!

Mercedesz Csampai: Mercedesz played Christine in Moscow and oh my gosh she's astounding. I adore her voice and she's a fantastic actress! Like seriously she has everything! Her final lair is probably the most perfect version ever. There was nothing that she did that I didn't like. She is amazing! I think I've watched ever single YouTube video of her singing in existence. She just perfection.

Okay so that's it for now about Christine's I like. I told you it would be shorter but I'll probably add to it as I become more associated with others. If any of you have any suggestions comment them!

Now for Christine's I don't like! This will be shorter too because their are so many Christine's that are good but don't excite me so they wouldn't be included on a dislike list.

Emmy Rossum: Again, sorry 2004 movie fans. Okay Emmy's voice isn't awful. It could be worse but it could be a whole lot better. And not to sound mean but I don't like it when people say that it was okay because she was only 16, I have heard people younger than her with much better voices so I don't think it's a fair argument because than they shouldn't have casted her. I think they just wanted someone young and pretty. Just like Gerard. But her voice is tolerable. What really makes me dislike her Christine is the fact that she cannot act. She has the same expression the entire time and even in her singing it doesn't change. Her performance is so unbearably flat. I'm sorry that's harsh and I know she was young and maybe inexperienced (again a different casting would have been better) but she hasn't improved much. I've seen her in other movies and it's the same thing, she doesn't change her expression ever.

Sarah Brightman: Okay I'm a huge Sarah Brightman fan. Just not her Christine. I love her actual opera singing and for whatever reason I think because Phantom isn't genuine opera, she has a hard time singing it. I don't like her voice as Christine that much. And I know she's the original and I respect her so much for that but I don't like her voice or her acting. She has the same expression the whole time but unlike Emmy, Sarah's is kind of scary. No offense of course but her huge hypnotized eyes are a little frightening.

Mary Michelle Patterson: I know a lot of people like her but I just don't like her voice. It's good like she's a really good singer but I don't think she's right for Christine. And she's a perfectly fine actress I just can't get myself to like her. I wanted to since everyone else seems to but I just don't like her Christine.

Okay! That's a rap for Christine's I'll do Raoul's soon! Just to be clear, this is just for fun and I respect all of these people for doing what they do and I respect and love everyone who may have different opinions! These are solely my opinions and are not meant to be offensive in anyway! If they come across as being offensive I am really sorry!

Please comment your favorites and least favorites too!

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