I'VE BEEN TAGGED...again!!!

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So I was tagged by ErikPhantom (I love being tagged so thank you) to say 15 things about myself! So here we go!

1) I have a twin sister, who is also my only sibling.

2) I play the piccolo in my school's marching band and I love it!

3) I want to become either a psychologist or a psychiatrist when I'm older.

4) I have a lot of fears but my biggest fear is heights.

5) I don't have a favorite food

6) My favorite music artists that aren't Broadway related are Frank Sinatra, Frankie Valli, Andrea Bocelli, Lana Del Rey, and Bruno Mars. I also really like classical music.

7) My favorite non musical movie is a movie called Chaplin. It's depicts the life of Charlie Chaplin and it stars Robert Downey Jr, who happens to be my favorite actor.

8) I'm super awkward

9) I'm a hopeless romantic

10) People tell me that I'm really easy to talk too.

11) I really enjoy about history and science at school but I hate math.

12) I'm naturally very curious about everything

13) My favorite T.V. show is Sherlock! (I'm waiting impatiently for Season 4)

14) My favorite holiday is a tie between Christmas and Valentine's Day

15) I'm probably the least spontaneous person ever. I think about things very carefully and I probably overthink a lot.


There you have it! 15 things about me! I'm really not an interesting person so sorry for my lack of interesting facts! I'm really boring!

So the following people need to post 15 things about themselves! That's the only rule I have is that it must be 15! I apologize in advance if you did not want to be tagged or already have been!


Okay! So have fun! I hope you enjoyed!

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