A Bit of a Broadway Rant

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So I don't think this rant applies to any of my readers but if it does I apologize in advance and I don't mean any offense you are free to believe whatever you want this is just something that's been bothering me lately.

So obviously Hamilton is extremely popular, which is great as Hamilton is a phenomenal show, but it seems to be the only thing anyone cares about....

I love Hamilton, but there are other shows! I just wish people would broaden their horizons past Hamilton and even past In the Heights (another great show) Even though they are great and Lin Manuel Miranda is a genius, there are other great shows out there who aren't being advertised properly or aren't being shown enough love in the Broadway community because everyone is just so obsessed with Hamilton!

Hamilton introduced a lot of people to Broadway and at first I was excited as I thought it would make more Broadway shows popular, but it didn't. It just has seemed to cast a giant shadow on everything else going on. With fans and within the media.

And what really bothers me is people saying they love Broadway and really they only love Hamilton. (This problem includes a lot of other musicals as well not just Hamilton but that's a conversation for another day). I can't stand that! If someone is honest and says they only like Hamilton I'm fine with that! I'd still urge them to look into other musicals but if they only like Hip Hop then I understand.

However, a lot of fans I see like other genres and usually say something along the lines of "I didn't like hip hop until Hamilton". Which is fine but then there's no reason you couldn't give other musicals a chance. Even older ones.

Personally I feel as though Frank Wildhorn is a VERY underrated composer. I think many of his musicals haven't gotten the love they deserve, and I understand that what Lin Manuel has done is innovative and new but that doesn't mean that there aren't more talented people out there and I just wish more people would look out for that.

Even if you try other musicals and don't like them that's okay I just wish people would be more open minded about it! Hamilton deserves all of the love it's getting, but there are a lot of musicals just as good and a lot that are much better than Hamilton if you look out for them. Of course that's just my opinion but others might think so as well.

Also since Hamilton is about history (even though many fans like to twist it: more on that at another time) then listeners should give other historic musicals a try if REAL history interests them. Such as 1776 or Assassins or even Evita.

I was in New York yesterday and it's amazing how many shows are closing. Almost every theatre I passed had a closing date on it. I'm not saying that this is Hamilton's fault; it obviously isn't, but what I am saying is that theatre isn't appreciated the way it should be anymore. New shows can barely last anymore! So many new shows close only a few months after opening and even classic revivals like Les Miserables and Fiddler on the Roof don't last as long as they would several years ago. It's so sad.

I'm sure that's true for plays as well. Musicals get a lot more love on Broadway as it already is, so just think about plays! Especially now that Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is coming to Broadway! It's going to be just like Hamilton. No one will care about anything else and suddenly Broadway will be "the most popular thing on earth" but in reality isn't not: Harry Potter is.

Again I'm not saying these shows don't deserve success they do, but so do other shows! And of course there's no way to control which shows thrive and which ones flop. I'm just trying to urge people to broaden their horizons a bit.

And I know I'm specifically picking out Hamilton and Harry Potter but there are other shows that this happens with as well. Including Wicked, Phantom, and Les Mis (Phantom and Les Mis aren't so bad anymore but eh.)

And again if you've only seen some of those musicals but are willing to see others that's fine! It's also fine if you know you wouldn't like others since you've given them a chance! I have nothing against people only liking one musical I just want people to actually try instead of just obsessing over one song! That's all I'm saying.

Sorry guys I know this wasn't as pleasant as a chapter and it was really ranty but I hope some of you I understand. I'm really not trying to offend anyone I respect everyone's separate opinions!!! I'm sorry if you were offended by this however.

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