Andrew Lloyd Webber Songs

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So the title pretty much sums this up haha. I'm going to be telling you guys some of my favorite Andrew Lloyd Webber songs.

I'll start by saying that I adore Andrew Lloyd Webber! He's my favorite musical composer and probably my favorite composer in general! I have seen/heard at least some of a majority of his musicals even some of the really random ones so this list might be pretty long which I apologize for in advance. But hopefully I introduce some of you to songs you haven't heard before! Also this list is in no particular order.


Music of the Night - The Phantom of the Opera
Obviously this is my favorite ALW song. I've talked about it so many times that I will refrain from doing so now but seriously I love it! The melody is just so sweeping and just to me is the epitome of what I love about music and Phantom.

Past the Point of No Return - The Phantom of the Opera
I wish I could put every Phantom song on here but I can't so I'll only choose a few that stand out to me I guess. I love PTPONR! It's gorgeous and seductive but heartbreaking in the end. It's so wonderful.

The Final Lair - The Phantom of the Opera
What isn't fantastic about the Final Lair? The melodies that play throughout are either haunting or intense or overbearingly sad. It takes you through so many different emotions in the course of 10 minutes. Even ignoring the lyrics just the music itself does that. It's amazing! The reprise of Music of the Night at the very end is my favorite orchestrated part of this song and possibly of Phantom as a whole. This is sheer genius on Webber's part.

Till I Hear You Sing - Love Never Dies
This song is gorgeous. Lyrically and musically. The ups and downs of the song are amazing. The dynamics bring so much to it! The contrast between the soprano violins and the base cellos and bases add such a  sense of tragedy to it. It's honestly something that I can't even express is words it's just that gorgeous and really just makes you want to cry. I highly suggest listening to the media above!

Love Never Dies - Love Never Dies
I know this melody had gone through several different phases but this is my favorite version even though they're all essentially the same musically. The sweeping melodies of this song are gorgeous. It reminds me of love when I hear it. The music alone has so many ups and downs but it's melodic and pretty but with a sadder undertone. It's so very thought out I think.

Memory - Cats
Okay who walking and living on this planet doesn't like the song Memory? It's another one that's just so gorgeous. It's so melodic and reminiscent in its music not just the lyrics. Andrew really knows how to interpret emotion through his music not just lyrics which I think is great.

Macavity - Cats
Macavity is probably my favorite song from Cats. Is jazzy and it's fun but it also has a bit of suspense to it! It's great! I could go on for awhile about the music from Cats and how each song is so different but I'll save you that pain haha.

Close Every Door - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat
Close Every Door is a phenomenal song. It's so emotional and though I love the lyrics, the lyrics would be nothing without the music! It's dark yet pretty and peaceful at the same time but it's not overwhelming which adds a lot to the song. 

Any Dream Will Do - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat
This is arguably the cutest song of all time. It has such a childish glee about it and I love that.

Gethsemane - Jesus Christ Superstar
Okay, so admittedly Jesus Christ Superstar is not my favorite. It's not my preferred style of music really, but that being said this song is gorgeous. Specifically sung by Michael Ball who takes all the rock out of it. It's really just gorgeous in the message it is conveying and everything else. It's dark and sweeping and truly shows the turmoil Jesus is going through.

With One Look - Sunset Boulevard
I love Sunset Boulevard and I love Glenn Close singing this gorgeous gorgeous song! The music is so sweeping and it really reminds me of the time period that this takes place in. The music sounds as if it could be apart of a silent movie which I love.

As If We Never Said Goodbye - Sunset Boulevard
This song is probably the most popular from Sunset Boulevard because it's so pretty. The subject of the song is amazing as it's so happy and reminiscent. But the music really remind me of springtime which fits perfectly into the song! She's happy, she's remembering her past memories. The song has such a simple joy to it and the melody so accurately represents that.

Where Did the Rock Go - School of Rock
Again, School of Rock isn't necessarily my favorite ALW musical as its not my favorite genre of music but it definitely has some great songs. Where Did the Rock Go is such a gorgeous rock ballad which is sweet as its a rock musical, I like that it's able to remain a rock ballad but really show emotion!

This Side of the Sky - Stephen Ward
I'm sure not a whole lot of you know what Stephen Ward is but it's one of my favorite ALW musicals. It tells the story of the real-life person Stephen Ward who was involved in one of the biggest political sex scandals in English history. It's really interesting if you're into history. So this song specifically is a duet between Stephen Ward and one of his love interests Christine Keeler. What I really love about it is that it's a love song and definitely sounds like one but when Christine begins to sing the melody shifts to match what she is saying. She begins talking about fairy tales and dragons and the music shifts to become a bit more whimsical suppose to when Stephen is singing. It's such a great detail!

Human Sacrifice - Stephen Ward
Again you guys really should give Stephen Ward a listen, it's amazing. What I like about Human Sacrifice is that there is a lot of usage of the flute. I'm a flutist so I appreciate that! Also it just wonderfully shows Andrew's diversity when it comes to instruments. He doesn't always just use a big orchestra, or a more pop sound. Many of his musicals feature different kinds of instruments and types of music which I think is the most amazing thing ever!

Love Changes Everything - Aspects of Love
Okay, admittedly this is the only song I know from Aspects of Love, I really need to listen to the rest, but this song is just so great. The very tune of it expresses the bliss of love so well. The shortness of the notes convey happiness wonderfully! The song makes me so happy just listening to it.

High Flying Adored - Evita
High Flying Adored is my favorite song from Evita. I adore the simplicity of it in a sense. A guitar and a quiet orchestra is a very different style for Che. It's very nice and let's his emotions shine through.

Oh What a Circus - Evita
What I love about this song is that it's danceable with the music but it's so bitter in its lyrics. It honestly feels like something you would hear in Argentina (correct me if I am wrong!) which I love as it had a true cultural element to it that adds to the history!

Requiem for Evita - Evita
I love the intensity of this song! From the very beginning it gives me chills up my spine. The electric guitars are just so loud and so amazing! Seriously this is just a melody that sticks with you!

Whistle Down the Wind - Whistle Down the Wind
Again I admire the simplicity of this song. The lyrics are extremely genuine and thoughtful and the music ties along with that. Instead of having sweeping melodies and a huge orchestra it's nice to have a guitar and a piano. It lets the lyrics stand out a little more and in this song it makes it more understandable.

Pie Jesù - Requiem
This song is just so peaceful which is nice as its part of a requiem. It's about death and parting and it's also religious so peaceful is such a great tone for it. That's all I really have to day about the song but it's just lovely.

Okay! That about raps it up! I appreciate anyone who read far enough to see this! I know it's a pretty long list by Andrew Lloyd Webber really is a genius and seriously nobody can tell me differently!!!!!!!!

Thank you all soooo much for reading and please remember that these are just my opinions and aren't meant to be offensive!

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