Musical Ships

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So obviously musicals have lots of relationships and love interests and sometimes the love story is the best part! So these are just some musical ships that I have. I'll also say some that I don't ship and why! Some of these you guys know already or are really obvious but maybe you can relate!

Christine and Raoul (Phantom): Okay so you guys know this already so I'll keep it brief but they are such a cute couple and they love each other in the purest form possible!

Marius and Cosette (Les Mis) : So I know this is really unpopular but Marius and Cosette love each other so much. And sure at first their relationship was based on physical attraction, but honestly who's isn't? In the book as well it's a little different so I think they're cute and they deserve one another!

Jack Kelly and Kathrine Pulitzer (Newsies): These two are like my favorite couple of all time. They are just so cute! I like their snarky comments to one another before they realize that they like each other, and afterword how Katherine supports and cares for Jack after everything that happens. And Jack is still able to love her after he finds out who her father is. Their relationship is just so pleasant and fun to watch!

Evita and Juan Peron (Evita): Okay so I know that Eva and Juan were real people so it's weird to say whether I ship them or not but I really do! Though I think she was slightly manipulative with him, he was very tender towards her especially during the end of the musical when she gets sick. And when Juan reprises part of Another Suitcase Another Hall, it breaks my heart because of how much he cared for her.

Evita and Che (Evita): okay this is super weird considering he despises her but a small part of me ships them just because of the song A Waltz for Eva and Che and even that song is really angry and bitter but for some reason I can't help but ship them a little.

Rum Tum Tugger and Bomba (Cats): I know this one is odd as well considering Rum Tum is kind of mean to Bomba in beginning but they suit each other so well. He's the 'sexy' male cat and she's the 'sexy' female cat so I feel like they would be good for one another.

Natasha and Andrey (Great Comet): I know he's not really in the musical but I feel like Natasha and Andrey would have been good together if she hadn't ruined it. I feel like he was mature enough to handle Natasha, not like Anatole who was just as childish as her. I think Andrey would have been able to take care of her and love her just like she had loved him.

Jaime and Cathy (The Last Five Years): I wish these two had ended up together! They were the perfect couple before jealousy and a lack of communication got in the way. And I know that they still loved each other even after they had broken up they just couldn't find a way to make it work which is really really sad and I really would like to imagine they get back together someday.

Quasimodo and Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame): I wish these two had ended up together! I like Phoebus too, he's a good guy for Esmeralda but seriously she and Quasi would have been soooo cute! Like they could live in the bell tower together and go on grand adventures and protect one another! It would be adorable and I wish it would have happened.

JD and Veronica (Heathers): I ship these two so hard!! Probably more then anyone else on this list! They are like my favorite musical couple probably ever. And before you tell me that it's horrible to ship because it's an abusive relationship just hear me out. I understand that JD isn't a good person in the slightest. Trust me I get that. However he did really love Veronica and he was not intentionally manipulating or abusing her. He was genuinely trying to help her... in a very horrific, messed up way. Again that doesn't make it okay and doesn't make him a good boyfriend but I believe that JD wasn't too far past help because in the end he does do the right thing I think if he would have been shown a better life and been taken to some sort of therapy I think he could have been made better and then I think he and Veronica would have been happy together. Of course this is all hypothetically based considering none of this happens in the musical.

Okay so those were a few that I do ship and now here are a few that I don't.

Hamilton and Eliza (Hamilton): Okay again I apologize for not shipping them considering they were real people but he was terrible to her in the musical. Everything was always about himself and his goals and his wishes! And doing that all the time doesn't make a good relationship. He was never there for her and then he cheated on her. Eliza was such a good person and Hamilton did not deserve her at all!

Mrs.Lovett and Sweeney Todd (Sweeney Tood): The only reason I don't ship these two is because Sweeney obviously still loves Lucy. In the song 'By the Sea', he's clearly uninterested in whatever Mrs.Lovett has to say. He doesn't want a loving life with her he kind of just wants to kill people and get Lucy back.

Christine and Erik (Phantom): Again, you guys already know that I don't ship this so I'll keep it brief. It just wouldn't work and wouldn't be healthy.

Marius and Eponine: I do wish that Eponine would find love but I really don't think Marius was right for her. And just because her life kind of sucked that doesn't mean Cosette can't be happy. Marius was too innocent and naive for Eponine so I don't think it would have worked.

Well that's all I can think of for now! I might add to this list if I think if anymore! But comment your favorite or least favorite ships too! I'd love to hear them!

Also these are only my opinions and are not in anyway meant to be offensive or meant to offend anyone! If they do I sincerely apologize!

Also thank you all again for reading and commenting and such!!!! I appreciate it soooooo much!!!!!

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