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"Yes my baby"

"..........will I ever meet my father"

Damn I knew this day would come but I was hoping it would not be this soon.

"Uhm yes you will"

"When mma"


"Today at school the boys where talking about their fathers and I had nothing to add. So I began wondering if I had a father"
We say silently for a while before he spoke up again.

"Does he know about me?"

"Seba can you stop with the questions,I'm tired. Had a really long day"

"You're always tired when it comes to my father. Why don't you want me knowing him?'


He screams

I watch as my son stomps down the hallway to his bedroom and I flinch when he slams the door. It hurts to know my son hates me cause I have kept his father away from him but it wasn't intentional,I was going to tell him but I got scared and when my parents asked me who the father was I lied to them,told them I had met an exchange student from Cuba and he had left.

My dad always wanted a son and they loved Seba like he was their own even though they reprimanded me for being 'loose' in Johannesburg and forgetting my morals and getting pregnant at a young age before my older sisters.

I could not tell them I was pregnant by my best friend because he did not know and I wasn't about to ruin his life,well at that time I thought telling him would ruin his life. I was 19,I was a child too. I did not know better but he is right he has to know about his father. I'll tell him soon but not today.

Mama Oyoyo by various Nigerian artists blasts through the lounge,it's her mom calling.

"Hey mma"

"Manda,can you come home this weekend,you're father is not doing well"

"Mama what happened?"

"He collapsed yesterday,we're at the hospital right now and he wants to see you guys"

"Ohk mma,we'll see you Friday"

"I love you baby"

"Love you too mma"

Hope my dad pulls through I still need him and so does Seba,you can't take him now Lord. I've got only a day to let the guys know I'm leaving,pack for the trip,buy a bus ticket cause I hate flying and I need to go to Sebatian's school and explain to them why he will not be at school for a week. I do not think they will give me much trouble since they are just a week away from school holidays.

"Mma are you okay? I'm sorry I said I hate you earlier"

"It's okay baby,just don't ever talk to me like that again. I might make some decisions at times that you won't neccesarily agree with but I am still your mother and you're to respect me. Are we understood?"

"Yes mma"

"Cause next time I won't be forgiving,I'll smack you so hard you'll land in Timbuktu"

"That's not possible mma"

"Want to prove it?"

"Nah I'm good"

he laughs there is silence between us as we sit and watch television.

"What's wrong?"


"Mma I've been with you for 6 years and I know something is up when you bite your thumb and nail"

"You're too old for your age..... gogo called me,she said we need to fly down to Durban or ride in my case. Mkhulu is not well"

"What's wrong with grandpa"

"I don't know baby"

"So when are we leaving?"

"Friday,so tomorrow I'm going to have to let your principal know that you won't be coming to school next week"

"It's okay,we're not doing anything and we're done woth tests. I hope grandpa will be fine"

"Me too baby,me too"

I will just have to tell him about his father some other time. Right now we need to make sure the most important man in both our lives is doing well.
I have to leave those four in charge of the shop,they are going to strangle me.


"Nah uh girl,you can't just leave us alone for a week with the 3 major orders we have. I think I feel a little light headed'

Jay fans himself

"you're such a drama queen Jay" Amo

"Guys I've done the designs and picked out the fabric,all you have to do is make the dresses and have the brides fit them on Wednesday,deliver them Friday night. I'll be back on Saturday"

"We'll be fine love. Go check on your father,your store will be in good hands" Melo

"Thanks guys. Hope I can be back before then."

Amo pulls her aside

"Certain people you don't want to see?"

"Yeah,I'm afraid I'll bump into Bash,my sister said he's home and has been asking about me. I can't let them meet not yet anyway. I still have a lot of explaining to do to my son and parents and sisters but importantly my son. He hates me already for not telling him about his father as it is."

"You had your reasons babe"

"Selfish reasons though. I don't even know why I never told him about his son,I just never did and now I'm going to have to face the music. He's been asking about him lately and he gets really mad when I avoid his questions. He had to have a short temper like his dad,he's an exact replica of him"

"What do you expect after you named the child after him"

"I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"

"Yes but tell your family when you get home this weekend and take care of your dad. You'll find the shop in one piece,I can't promise that you'll find Melo and Jay in one piece though"

"These two are always at each other's throats. If Jay wasn't gay or Melo married,I'd say they had the hots for each other."

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