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The due date has come and gone but my little Nkanyezi is not ready to see the world yet. I'm tired and furstrated at the moment and all I do is cry. Sebastian is not my favourite person right now cause it's his fault I'm in this position. If he wouldn't have gotten me pregnant,I wouldn't be in this predicament. I'd be having a girls night out somewhere with Amo and the rest,drinking Zappa. It's 4 am and I haven't slept a wink,while he's here snoring.

"Sebastian wake up"

He groans. I shake him again

"Sebastian wake up!"

"What is it Manda"

"Take your pants off. And start getting this baby out of me. The doctor said we should try sex,maybe it will work"

"Music to my ears"

He quickly gets up and takes off his briefs. I sleep on my side cause it's not easy for me to breathe on missionary position. He slides in,it hurts but it's good at the same time. Within 5 minutes he nuts in me. He goes in again after a 10 minute rest,this shit feels so good I'm having orgasmic explosions and loving how he grunts when he nuts. I fall asleep immediately after the second round.
I wake up 6 hours later,still no labour pains. I'm starting to think maybe I'm going to be pregnant for 12 months like an elephant or is it 24.

"Baby I need to go to the studio,will you be fine without me?"

"Yes,I'll call you if I need anything or if anything happens"

"Ok later"

"Wait drop me off at the shop please"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. You still have the hospital bag with you in the car?"


We leave together and he drops me off at the shop repeating to the ladies to call him if there's anything.

"Shame he's worried" Cece

"I would be too if my wife was a week past her due date" Melo

"He worries too much. I'll be fine. I'm the one walking like a duck here,I should get the shames"

"Oh shame hun. You must be exhausted" Amo

"I just want her to come out. That's all"

They all give me advice on how to help with inducing labour but most are scary and some just disgusting and others impossible to do. It's all just hysterical. I laugh so hard I pee on my self a little. I stand up to be hit by a sharp abdominal pain and just then water flows down my leg as I look at Jay who has his mouth wide open. The baby is coming dummy

"Amo get me to the hospital"

"Shouldn't we call Bash?" Jay

"Call him,he'll find us there" Amo

"He has my hospital bag"

"Call him now Jay" Amo

"Maybe we should wait for him. He's not that far."

"Hun there's traffic at this time. He'll just have to meet us there. Melo please fetch the kids from school. Jay and Cece please lock up"

I just went into labour but these pains are coming quick. They help me into the car as Amo drives off. Luckily there was a towel we put on her passenger seat,cause my water is flowing like the Nile river. This baby is torturing me. She's making me pay for shouting at her this whole week. We get to the hospital and Sebastian is waiting for us outside. He fetches a wheelchair as soon as he spots us with a portress. They get me out and I sit on the wheelchair which was a very difficult task due to the labour pains hitting me from every angle.

"Are you okay?"

"Really SBZ! Do I fucken look okay to you"

"Calm down hun"

"Do not tell me to calm down Amoooooooooo shit!"

Another One!

They wheel me to the maternity area. Where I'm put on the machine to monitor the baby and labour pains. A nurse puts her fingers in my vagina telling me I'm about 6cms dilated. 10 cms seems so far away right now.


"Breathe in and out baby,in and out"

Sebastian rubs my back. If he only knew how close to chopping his hands off I was he would shut up. Breathing in and out ain't helping shit right now. I'll show you breathing techniques.

"Hold my hand baby"

He holds my hand as a contraction splits my waist into two and I scream,press on his hand and breathe in and out at the same damn time. He kicks his feet in pain as I squeeze his hand with every contraction. The nurse walks in and checks my cervix again. She says I'm almost 10 cms and we should prepare for delivery as they sit Sebastian by my head and he holds my hand and Amo takes a video of the birth as per our parents request.
The doctor comes in and examines me after the nurse just did and I don't know why cause he found the same thing the nurse found and relayed to him.

Sebastian is rubbing my head,kissing it everytime I get a contraction. Their so intense right now I think I want that pain sedative now.

"Is it too late for the injection now"

"Yes Amanda,the baby is on her way now. We can't give you a sedative"

I squeeze Sebastians hand as another contraction rips through my body and I can feel her coming. The doctor tells me to push. He informs me that the baby's head is showing I just need to push a little more. I squeeze my husband and push as I feel her head pop out and then 5 seconds later he tells me to push again with a contraction. It hits me and I push as I feel my baby slide out of me onto the doctors hands as he attends to her.

"Why isn't she crying?"

As soon as I say that she let's out a high pitched cry and we laugh. They show me her and call Sebastian to cut the umbilical cord which he happily does. They wrap her warmly,after doing whatever it was that they were doing to her. They hand her over to Sebastian as I get stitched,I got a small tear the doctor said. He holds her in her arms and kisses me.

"Thank you Amanda"

Daddy's little girl. Our little Star. To think Jr said we should name her Nkanyezi. He's going to be over the moon when we get home tomorrow.

Nkanyezi - star

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