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"Hey baby,where's junior?"

"Hey love,I left him in Durban since schools are closed,you know"

"I miss him"

"So you didn't miss me?"

"No I didn't miss you but I did miss your phat ass" he smacks her ass

"I forget you only love my ass"

"And your lips" he pulls me in for a kiss.

I swear Damien is a great kisser,I enjoy his kisses. He actually turns kissing into an art,making you feel every on of his emotions on his lips.His lips are soft and very tastey. If only we weren't at the bus station. I just returned from Durban and he is picking me up. I'm ready to rip his clothes off,let me stop before we really give these people sonething to stare at.

"I missed you so much my gummi bear"

"I missed you too baby"

"Now let's go home so I can show you how much I missed you"


Maybe sex with my man will stop me from thinking about Sebastian. I miss them both so bad.


It's only been a few hours since Manda left but I miss her like hell. I'm at home with my son,it's still surreal to me that I'm a father and to an amazing young man like him and what makes it even better is my son's mother,I've always loved that woman,she's my first love. I loved her since day one. She never gave me the light of day cause in high school because,well I was a bit of a player. I was a young boy,high on puberty and the ladies loved me,so why not but she friendxooned me or should I say famzoned me,she used to say I was more like a brother to her. So the night we had sex,I was over the moon and the cherry on top was that she gave me her prized possession and from that we had this beautiful young man. Who knew I'd love being a father.

"You're not listening dad"

"Sorry boy,what were you saying"

"Can Omuhle and I go buy ice-cream?"


"The ice-cream truck is outside dad,can't you hear it"

I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't hear that creepy music playing. I hate ice-cream truck music,it's just creepy. I always picture a scary-paedophile clown scouting the streets for innocent children when I hear it play. So I decide to walk out with the kids,you can never be too safe these days.

"I'm coming with you"

"Can I have the sprinkles daddy"

"Sure,Olwethu what do you want?"

"I wa..." she's cut off

"Bash, I want to talk to you"

"I'm still busy with the kids,Neli. What did you say you wanted princess?"

Before Olwethu can continue,Nelisiwe cuts her off again.

"Damn Sebastian. I've been trying to talk to you all week. I want to talk to you now,I don't care about what you're busy with. I'm your girlfriend and I demand your attention"

"Neli,let me finish with these kids please!"

I'm extremely pissed at her right now. People are starring at us right now,peeking over theor walls and fences cause this woman is making a scene. Why am I messing with her again. Oh she has a banging body and looks good on my arm. Feminists would probably castrate me at this point.

She's such a dramatic woman, she blows everything out of propotion and I swear she has attention seeking behaviour and only stays for the fame and money. I buy the kids their treats and tell them to go inside and I sit in the garden with my girlfriend.

"What is your problem?"

"My problem!! My problem is we came to Durban to spend time together but I haven't seen you in a week,I call you and you claim have some family issues but here you are playing with these kids"

"Are you done! Don't ever come up to me,making all that noise in public oe privately. Don't forget your place again. These kids are my kids and they're names are Olwethu and Sebastian jnr."

"Wait did you just say what I thought you just said,Sebastian jnr?,is he your nephew?"

"He is Sebastian Bayethe Zulu jnr"

"Y-y-you mean he's your son"


"Why am I only finding out about him now?,I mean we've been dating for 3 years now and you kept tour son a secret"

"Because I too only just found out about him"

"What do you mean,his mom never told you about him?"


I give her the shorter version of my past and the events of this past week,since Manda was here. She looks mad but oh well.

"Why now? Are you even sure he's yours?"

" never been sure of anything"

"But you still should get a DNA test,he looks like you but is he your blood. And why did she keep him away from you for so long and decide to tell you when you're now rich and famous. I'm nit saying she's lying or a gold digger but women take chances baby. I'm looking out for you"

Yeah right but I can't help wonder why all of a sudden did Manda tell me about Jnr. Yeah she was mad but still it was just to simple,out of the spur moment thing for her to just blurt out I have a son after she's kept him a secret for so long. Neli is putting ideas in my head. I don't care why she never told me till niw. I know now and he is my son . How can he not be when he is a direct copy of me,he looks just like me. Nah he's mine,I know it and I know Manda.

Olwethu- our love/love is ours

Nelisiwe -content

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