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It's been 4 weeks since we got a nanny and everything is going well. The birthday parties were a success a lot of people showed upto celebrate with us. Some I knew amd some I didn't. Sebastian is still on tour and I miss him so much,we all miss him dearly. I Skype him every night before the kids go to bed because they refuse to sleep before they speak to him. He's in Nigeria this week and he still has a few more countries to perform at before he returns home. I envy him at times though. That he gets to travel and I stay home with the kids. As much as I  love my kids,I'd love to vacate without them just for a few days. I'm currently at work,business is picking up. We have a few dress orders I'm currently working on,old and new. I stopped going to check on Lindsey and Nkanyi after 2 weeks,well ok 3 weeks but I just had to make sure the poor girl was coping. My daughter can be a handful after all.

"Hun we're ready for you,staff meeting" Jay

My phone rings

"Let me get this,it's the nanny. I'll be there in a minute.....
Hey Lindsey..........
Whoa come down,I can't hear a thing you're saying"

"Is everything alright?" Amo

I lift my index finger at her,signaling her to give me a minute.

"Lindsey what do you mean. You can't find Star?....... how can she disappear in the house. I'm coming right now. I can't understand what you're telling me right now"

"Hun what's wrong?" Amo

"Lindsey ......... I don't understand her right now......I need to rush home"

"I'm coming with you" Jay

"I'll fetch Sebastian,don't worry about him"

"Thanks hun. Jay you're driving. I'm  not in a good condition to drive us"

Jay takes my keys and drives me home,it takes us about 30 minutes to get to my but I feel like it's 3 hours. I run into the house going straight upstairs to Nkanyezis room,she's not in there. I check all the rooms even the bathrooms,I check in her crib under her crib,in the drawers and closets.  I check under evry bed and chair or coych in the house,my little girl is no where to be found. I sit on her rocking chair and call the police,then go downstairs to wait for them. They arrive 30 minutes later. It's a male and female police. The male searches the house,looking for clues I guess and goes into the yard too as the female police talks to Lindsey

"You're the nanny who's been taking care of the baby?"


"So can you tell me what happened Lindsey"

"I had just finished bathing the baby. When I lay her down on her mat infront of the couch and go make a her a bottle. I came back to feed her when I notice she's gone. She has recently started to crawl a little and I thought she might be behind one of the couches but I checked and didn't find her. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find her. That's when I called Mrs Zulu"

"Did you notice anyone or anything strange today?"

"No mam,officer"

"Are you sure? Anything this week"

"Nothing but last week some lady came here selling some stuff"

"Stuff like?"

"House cleaning stuff but nothing we could use so I dismissed her then she asked for a glass of water which I gave her then she left. And she never came back though"

" do you remember her?"

"Yes I think I do"

"Can you come down to the station to make a sketch for us"

"When did this happen Lindsey" I interrupt

"When you went back to work?"

"Do people come here selling stuff Mrs Zulu " the officer

"Yes but once in a while"

"I can't find anything in or outside the house officer Dube"

The male officer informs his partner.

"I think that's all for now. We'll try to find your baby Mrs Zulu,we'd like to take Lindsey down to the station though"

"It's okay. Please find my little girl"

The police leave. Jay walks in the lounge from the kitchen I had forgotten he was even here.

"I managed to get hold of Bash. He's taken an emergency flight to S.A. "

"Thanks Jay. I forgot about him."

I sit down on the couch and lay on Jays lap,I'm too emotional and confused at this moment to even cry. I need to call Amo and find out about Junior but I can't seem to get up. I feel weak and numb,I can't keep my eyes open.

I wake up 2 hours later to my phone ringing. It's Amo.

"Hey Amo"

"I'm sorry hun but you need to rush to medi clinic hospital now. Jr had an asthma attack during karate lessons,please come quick"

I feel light like about to faint. Jay grabs me and we leave the house. What have I done that's so bad that everything that could possibly go wrong is all happening at once. Sebastian calls me while on our way to the hospital.

"Hey Sebastian"

"Baby I'll be there in 3 hours. How are you?"

"I wish I had an answer for you Bayethe,everything is just going wrong right now. Please get home,come to medi clinic hospital straight from the airport Jr has been admitted"

"Why? Wait damn I wish this flight could fly faster. I'm coming home baby. Hang in there"

"I'm trying"

"I need you"

I hang up as we get to the hospital. I'm not trying to cry right now. I have to be strong for both my babies. We go in and are directed to the peadiatric ward by a nurse. We find Amo in the waiting area with Sipho.

"What happened?"

"We were practicing in class when one boy kicked him in the chest by accident then he started gasping for breath,the instructor took him to the school nurse as she tried to give him asthma puffs but then he fainted. That's when mom came in and an ambulance was called"Sipho

"Have you seen his doctor?"

"We're still waiting for him hun. Are you okay"

"Amo my daughter is missing,now my son is in hospital. How am I okay?"

"I'm sorry hun,that was insensitive of me."

"It's okay hun,I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I'm so scared and stressed right now. Everything is just going wrong at the same time and what's worse is my husband isn't here with me. I don't even know what do right now"

" we're going to find her love"

The doctor walks out to explain to us Juniors condition. He informs me that Jr had a severe asthma attack and is currently unconscious. He's not sure when he'll wake up but they've put him on steroids and continuous oxygen. He's going to take him for a chest x-ray to check how his lungs are.
I can't listen any further and I turn to go outside and get some air as I bump into someone's chest,their scent is familiar. I look up and it's Sebastian,I grab onto his chest as all my frustrations ,anger,fear and guilt pours out of my eyes. I cry uncontrollably into his chest as he holds me tight in his arms. I've been holding it all in for this moment.

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