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I'm woken up by Sebastian in the early hours of the morning I sit up as the lights turn on. I must be dreaming,I pinch myself,I'm not dreaming my husband really has my baby in his arms. I jump up out of the bed and take the baby from him. I hold her so tight almost squeezing the life out of her. She's such a happy child she just giggles. My dad is in the bedroom with us and he's just smiling. I'm in tears as Sebastian hugs me and the baby. I can't believe my baby's home. I wake Jr up,he's so excited and happy to see his baby sister,we both start crying. The rest of the family walks in after hearing all the noise we were making.
I bombard my husband and dad with question after question as they relay the story to us.


We hot to Nelis house in an under an hour,I drove in while my father in law hid in the backseat,the police parked a bit further away and walked to the house hiding in the back and at the sides of the house. It wasn't a big house. It was an inexpensive 3 bedroom house. I wonder when or from who she got the house. I knock on her door and she opens, wearing nothing but a t-shirt. She hugs me as I stiffen my back but then hug her back,remembering what I'm here for. I don't want to make her suspicious. She let's me in.

"I made dinner for  you"

"Ah I'm sorry baby I drove through McDonalds before coming here" i lie

I don't want her food who knows what she might have put in there. I look around hoping I can spot Nkanyezi but I don't. The house is a total mess with baby toys everywhere and clothes. She gives me a kiss,taking me by surprise. I almost lash at her but this is for my family so I kiss her back. I'm feeling nauseous right now but I have to make her believe I'm here for her. I have to signal the police once I find my daughter but this woman wants to fuck me before I even find my daughter. She's playing with my dick at the moment,why the hell did I wear track pants.

"Can I see our daughter first"

"Oh come on Bash,I've missed you and your dick game. Now I know you've missed me"

Nope! Not really I mentally say

"I've missed you but let me see our daughter before I give you this pipe"

"No! You fuck me first then I'll show you where the baby is or you can just leave right now,cause I want you right now and you can see our daughter anytime she's not going anywhere"

Fuck this woman! Can I just get my baby you psycho. I check my pockets and luckily I have my wallet with a condom in it. I bend her over her couch while I play with her vagina,I put on the condom with my other hand,making sure she's not aware of what I'm doing cause she claims she's allergic to latex but I've used it on her before and I know she's lying,she just hates using condoms,I don't trust her.
I fuck the crazy out of her as she screams my name,I don't even care to tell her to keep it down,everyone outside definitely knows what is happening in here,I can just see my father in-laws face,how am I going to face him.

Just then a baby cries and I can hear her through the baby monitor on the tv stand,I didn't see it there before. I slide out,pull up my pants and head to where the cries are coming from. I open the 3rd door on the right in the hallway and find my baby on the floor crying,she must've fallen cause it looks like she was put on the bed with no protection around her to prevent her fron falling. I pick her up as she tries to take her from me. I walk out the bedroom as she follows behind me,screaming at me to give her her baby. Just when I reach the front foor she grabs me,I push her to the floor and walk out as the police walk in arresting her. I look at Amanda's father,I'm so ashamed of myself.

"You had to do what you had to do son" he says

"We need to take the baby to the hospital to check if she's well" an officer says

"She's driving with me officer"

"It's no problem sir"

They give Neli clothes to wear as they cuff her. She keeps screaming my name telling me she loves me and she did this all for us so we could be together and that I should take care of her baby.

"Let's go son" Amanda's father

We get to the hospital where they check on Nkanyezi,doing a full body examination and that's when I see bruises on her arms. She bruises easily and she's light skinned so a pinch would be visible for days on her. The doctor tells me it looks like she pinched her every time she would cry or maybe do something she didn't like. It hurts to know my baby had to go through so much while she didn't understand what was happening. The do more blood tests and after 4 hours the doctor returns with the results and apart from her bruises she's in good health and we can go home.


Its been 3 weeks since Star came home and she's been great,it's like she was never taken from us. Her bruises have healed. Amanda was furious when she saw them,she wanted to kill Neli,she cried when she saw them. The family left yesterday,they've been a real support to us and we're lucky to have so much love from our family. Junior is back at school. He's also doing well but not practicing his karate anymore which his really mad about and since I suggested Amanda let him join the class in the first place,my wife obviously blames me for the incident.
Which is another reason our marriage is in trouble. She blames me for the kidnapping too,she doesn't say it but she doesn't need to it's written in her face everytime I try to kiss her or hug hr or even hold her hand and let's not mention sex, she won't let me touch her. We share a bed but we sleep like strangers,we don't even cuddle. We ain't making love no more,she sleeps with the kids. I know she's been throufh too much but Neli is in jail and nothing will happen to any of the kids. I try telling her she needs to let the kids sleep in their beds but she almost bit my head off. I wonder if me fucking Neli is what put her off,I told her about it,I had to be honest but I must say I regret it. Maybe we need counselling.

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