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We get to Neli's house in under an hour. I rush into the house looking for my wife and daughter. Only to find my wife sitting on the floor with a baby's vest in her hands but no Nkanyezi. I kneel down next to her,embracing her in my arms as she sobs. She has run away with our baby Sebastian,she's gone,she keeps repeating her self.

All I can do is comfort her as the police come in,checking every room and picking up clues where they can. Where could she be.She managed to take everything including my baby and go into hiding. Maybe if the police would have let me come,I would have been able to catch her before she managed to escape. I feel so powerless right now,what type of man can't protect his own family. I promised to always keep them protected but my daughter is missing.

"Mr Zulu,she managed to escape before we got here" officer

"Oh you think! If you would have let me leave when I wanted to,I would have my daughter here right now. The tears my wife would be shedding would've be of joy"

"We're doing our best sir. We're going to get some things for further investigation."

"Do whatever you should officer"

"Do you know or maybe have an idea where she might have went?"

"No I can't think of anything at the moment"

"Let us know if you think of anyhing sir"

"I will. Can we go now?"

"Yes sir"

My son is in hospital and my wife is hurting and I can't do anything about it. I take my wife into my car as I ask one of the policeman to drive her car back home for me. I drive off to the hospital to check on Jr. I don't know what to do anymore. Where could she have taken my baby. Why us though.

"Baby wake up"

"Where are we?"

"We're at the hospital,to see Junior"

"I don't think I can see him like this. I look a mess"

"You look fine baby. Trust me. Let's go"

We walk into the hospital taking the elevater to the paediatric ward. Junior is having his physiotherapy session. He smiles when he sees us. The nurse informs us that they were about to call us and that he's been discharged. We get his review dates and treatment and we head home.

"Mom,have they found her?"

"Found who Jr?"

"Nkanyezi dad"

"How do you know?" Amanda

"I saw it on the news"

"We're still looking son,we'll find her"

"Do you think she's okay mma"

"She's........ she's missing you I know"

"I miss her too"

We're silent all the way home. We get home,Jr chats with his grandparents and aunts. He's not well yet but he's so much better. The doctor said he should stay away from karate for a while until his fully recovered and he can go back to school next week. At this point I don't want my son being far away from me. Amanda borrows my phone which I give to her.

"I texted her that you want to see her and the baby,tomorrow morning,she needs to make breakfast for two"

"But Amanda"

"Don't but me,this woman has my daughter and I don't know if you encouraged it or not but in her sick head she's in a relationship with you and my baby is her baby. I want my daughter back in my arms Sebastian and I don't care if you have to eat her pussy to get my daughter back. You'll do it"

"Are you seriously blaming me for that psycho taking our baby Amanda?"

"I'm not blaming you. I'm saying find out where she is and bring my baby girl home Sebastian"

"Could you two just stop fighting. Junior is upstairs and this is a time you should be working together not trying to put the blame on each other for the childs disappearance" Bashs mom says

"Fine I'll do it"

As if on cue Neli calls me and I set up a date with her for tomorrow morning,telling her that I can't leave now because Amanda is watching me. I hang up after telling her how much I loved her. I feel sick to my stomach that I have to be all lovey-dovey with this psycho.Amanda informed the police about her plan. She'll come with me in the morning with the police following behind us. I'm going to have to go in and make some story to get her and Nkanyezi out of the house to my car where Amanda will be with the police,hiding of course and then they'll pounce on her when she least expects it. Manda and Jr go to bed while I stay behing talking with the police.

"Make her believe your story Sebastian,we just need to know where her address is and we might even find your daughter tonight"officer

"Let me text her and ask her to send me her address"

So I text her telling her that my wife and I are getting a divorce and she just threw me out the house. I will be staying at a hotel for the night but I'll still come in the morning.

"You can spend the night with me,you don't need to sleep in a hotel when my bed is big enough"she texts back

"I don't want to intrude Neli,after the way I've treated you this past month. I wouldn't expect you to help me out"

"I meant it when I said I love you Bash,plus my babby daddy can't waste money in hotels"

"Okay I'm on my way"

"I'll send you the location just now"

She sends me the location and it's in Midrand. I can't believe this woman. I show it to the officers who brief each other on the plan and we leave. Before I leave I head upstairs to our bedroom to find my wife fast asleep with Jr in her arms,after today's chaos she's extremely exhausted,I kiss her forehead and Jr and leave.My father in-law drives with me. All the women are asleep,we didn't inform any of them about our plans because if they know they'll tell Amanda and I don't want her to go through what she went through earlier today. Being so close to finding our daughter and in just minutes we lost her again. She hasn't been herself since our daughter has been missing. I hope today I can put a smile on her face.

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