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Can't believe what I've just heard,her words are still ringing in my ears. I have a son,I Bash am a father,I don't believe this. How can she have my child and not tell me about it,if I am his father. We told each other everything,no matter how hard or bad. All that stuff about protecting me is bull,I don't need protecting and I never have. I'm sitting here still shocked to move or say anything and in true Manda style she ran,leaving me to process all this on my own. Fuck it I'm going after her. I want answers and my son. My son!

I follow the cab she took home and see her get off a street away from her street. She must want to think,she walks everytime she needs to think and bows her head like that always. I don't know what she has to think about after she's kept secrets for 6 years,didn't she think enough about her lies and deceit for these 6 years. I can't believe I loved this woman and still do. I follow her and stop infront of her,she almost walks into my car,making me laugh a little,I'm still mad hey.


"Don't what me get in the car. We need to talk. You need to talk"

"I said everything there is to say"

"Get_in_the_car!" I say through gritted teeth,she's working on my last nerve right now.

She walks around the car and gets into the car. I drive off while trying to calm myself down ,I don't want to escalate the situation any further,we're parents and it's time we talked to each like grown-ups.

"Does he know?"

"Know what Bash"

"That I'm his father and would you just stop with the attitude. I'm trying to be civil with you here after all. You are the one who is in the wrong here,not me"

"He knows his father is in Durban but he doesn't know who he is and he knows that he's named after his dad"

"When did you plan on telling him?"

"When we got back to Joburg but then I got here and found out that you two knew each other and it changed everything I was scared to tell him now"

"So your family doesn't know he's mine?"

"Not that I know of,I've never told them"

"Why didn't you let me know?"

"I don't know to be honest. When I found out that I was pregnant I was scared,I wondered how I was going to raise a child,how I was going to tell my parents and how I was going to finish my studies pregnant. I was mad at myself for being pregnant at such a young age. I thought of having an abortion but a friend of mine talked me out of it. She was also pregnant and we became each others strength. She helped me tell my family and the way ubaba was furious I couldn't tell them that you got me pregnant,I was scared and I didn't want you leaving law school or abandoning your dreams to raise your child. I know you and I know you're a responsible man and wouldn't let me raise my__ our child alone. I'm sorry Seabastian,ngiyaxolisa"

Why does she have to cry now. I hate tears. I never know what to dk or how to act when someone cries.

"It's fine but you need to tell him. I've missed out too much of my son's life growing up"

"I'm going to tell him now"

She goes into the house and leaves me in the car. I'm nervous and excited that I have a son,with Amanda the love of my life. I've loved her since she was paired with me in high school on a project. Well I fell inlove quite some months after that but she always referred to me as a brother and would never let me date her. Now she's the mother of my first born. Life's hilarious at times.


I walk into the house. My parents are sitting with Seba infront of the television,talking about whatever it is they're watching. I greet them and sit down with them. I ask Seba to come outside with me I want him to meet someone.

"Is this about my dad?"


"I'm meeting my dad?" His eyes smile and his face lights up

I hope he doesn't get angry at me. We walk out to the driveway and he sees Bash's car and looks at me with questioning eyes.

"Mma why is Bash here"

"Let's go"

Bash gets out of the car smiling from ear to ear. He comes up to us and looks at me then Seba. It's time,this is it.

"Sebastian Bayethe Zulu meet Sebastian Bayethe Zulu Jnr."

Seba looks at me then at Bash then he hugs him like he is meeting him for the first time. Well technically he is meeting 'his father' for the first time. I look at them as they embrace and talk and laugh. My parents are behind me smiling at them. I walk up to them to apologise for lying.


"It's okay princess,we knew" my dad says

"You knew ?"

"Yes,when Seba was born he was the exact replica of Bash and then you gave him his names,so we put two and two together" my mom says

"I'm sorry for lying though"

"If you were still 16,I'd ground you and punish you but you had your reasons hun. Just don't ever lie to us again"

Jnr. runs up to me smiling and he hugs me

"I couldn't have asked for a better dad. But you should have told me sooner mom"

"I'm sorry baby. I wish I had a reason why I never told you but I don't know anymore and I'm sorry I kept you away from your dad. I hope you can forgive me for that"

"You're forgiven mom. I'm just happy he's my dad"

I feel like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders. Keeping secrets is a drag. Now I can move on with my life knowing my baby knows his dad and ge doesn't hate me. I can go back to my baby in Joburg.

Ngiyaxolisa -I'm sorry

Baba- dad

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