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It's two days after I got that video and I've been avoiding Sebastian like the plague. I've been leaving early for work and coming home late to find him sleeping on the couch. He's not allowed back into our bedroom until he tells me the truth,I'm not buying his bullshit story. I've know Bash for most of my life and I've learnt to read him when he's not being completely honest. I'm just so mad at him right now. How does a person leave his sick wife at home and go into other womens houses. I don't mind the dancing but I mind him leaving with her.

"Earth to Amanda" Jay snaps his fingers in my face"What's wrong Manda,you're definitely not with us"

"Nothing is wrong just got a lot on my mind,that's all"

"Is the baby okay? Is Jr okay? Are you okay?"

"We're all fine Jay thanks for asking"

"Okay so what is it? Is it about the shop hun?"

"Jay, no it's not about the shop or any of you. Just marriage issues"

"Oh sorry I can't help with that"

he walks out to lunch as Amo walks in. Everyone is on lunch break as there's not much customers in the shop. I'm not really hungry so I'm just checking the books.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been down in the dumps these past two days and we've all noticed"

"Amo I think Sebastian slept with another woman or did something with another woman"

"What do you mean"

I pull out my phone and hand her the video

"Did you confront him about it?"

"Yes Amo and he says nothing happened"

"And you don't believe him"

"Yes he's not telling me the whole truth. I've known him since high school. I know he's habits"

"I really don't know what to say but men cheat. I'm not saying it's acceptable but they do cheat,no matter how much they love you they just have this weakness that makes them forget their morals. Siphos father cheated too and I just found out last year that he had a one night stand with someone and a baby was the product of that. I found out when the lady called me instead of him because he was not paying his child support in time"

"Wow girl and you never told me"

"Gurl I'm still trying to make sense of it myself and the worst part is that his mother knew and they both kept the secret from me. I'm currently not speaking to both of them well maybe I'm just not speaking to his mother. It's been a year since I found out and he just recently started sharing our bed with me."

"I'm sorry hun"

"I'm learning to slowly forgive him and he's trying his best to show that he's sorry but I wish he had told me sooner,what hurt most is him keeping it a secret for 3 years. Yes,that's how old the child is"

"So he didn't use protection?"

"They claim the condom burst"

"How convenient"

"Exactly my thoughts"

Someone walks into the shop and Amo quickly leaves to check on who it might be. We have a system that let's us know when someone enters the shop incase we're to busy to notice.

"Someone is here to see you"


she leaves before I get an answer. I walk out of the office. There's 2 little familiar girls looking at dresses but they're just too young to be getting married or having partners.

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