You didn't

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Stacy POV

After everybody left, me and Jacob talk and all that, i still didn't really know those people. There was one thing I remember it was that Jacob cheated on me "Hey Jacob,i have something to say and do" i say to him, with a sweet voice and smile "Yeah sure, you can" He says "You Cheated on me! You asshoe! Who do you think you are?!" I say to him,i slap him hard that a made a handprint on he's rosie cheek " forgot." He says whispering those last word, he was crying on my knee, i lift he's chin up with the tip of my finger, i look into his hazel watery puffed eyes, i leaned in, i...kissed him..sparks were filling up my body. Someone comes in, it was...Lucia.

We both stop kissing and look at her "i hate you Jacob! I really do!" She screams while fighting her tears "No! Lucia! Come back!" Jacob Says, he looks at me "What a stupid bitch you are, i literally haven't seen a girl like you, i can't believe YOU KISSED ME!" He slaps me 10 times, 5 on on my left cheek and 5 on my right cheek, i was not focusing, someone hugs me, I feel sparks, i focus much better, i push the person that was hugging me and it was Jacob "im sorry jacob, i can't do this." I say to him "don't you love me?" He says, i can see in he's eyes that he was getting mad, he was about to punch me, I put my head down, he missed "HELP!" I yell, before a doctor comes, Jacob says "You better not say anything or i will beat that ass". The doctor comes "Are you okay?!" He says while checking me "iam okay but can i get a different room where I can be alone" i say scared "Well sure." They change my room, thank god, I get a text from a person called Mark, who is m-OH YEAH! MARK! I TRUST HIM! HE IS MY BEST FRIEND!

We talk and all, i still did not tell him what Happend with me and Jacob. He said he will come tomorrow to see me and Jacob, i want to tell mark what Jacob did to me, but i dont want Jacob to get hurt.

Mark POV

*next morning*

I wake up, shower, do my hair, and put some clothes on. I was ready to go to see Stacy and Jacob, i took the bus, i still remember what the number of the room was 154. I go in that room, no Stacy, but Jacob making out with Lucia "Wtf bro!?" I say to him, they both look at me "if you want to see Stacy, she is in the room 152, now can you please leave?" Jacob says "Of course bro, of course" i say to him madly whispering those last words. I go to the room 152, i see Stacy, sleeping she looks so cute while she sleeps! I go up to her, i kiss her forehead, i just stand there looking at her, she is not a Normal girl, she is a Special Girl. After i think 3 minutes later she wakes up! "Stacy!" I scream "Hey Mark!" She says, i can see she was really proud to see me, but why? Didn't i cheat on her with Maya?Oh yeah I forgot, she lost her memory. Stacy pulls me in too a big hug, after we got warm, i felt sparks, are we made for each other? Or nah? I look at her cheecks, i saw like a handprint on her cheecks "Why did you change your room?" I ask her "Well you see, i dont want you to hurt jacob for this, please don't." She says scared "i wouldn't hurt him, now tell me what happend." She explains every single thing, i was so sad, but mad at the same time, this time i'm not gonna hurt Jacob, im gonna hurt......Lucia.

A/n : Almost 1k people guys! Omg like I'm dyinnnnnnng! I literally can't believe it, thanks you guys so so so much for reading this book!

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