New Stacy

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Stacy POV

We then arrive at my house, i Ask if Mark if he wants to hang out with me, he said yes, we go upstairs and have fun i was on twitter "So Stacy, What about the whole Jacob and you thing?" He says scared as hell thinking that I'm gonna slap the hell out of him, but i wasn't "i dont know mark, should I get back at him?" I say "Yes! I have a plan to get him jealous, You down for it?" He says " Yeah, okay, what's your plan?" I ask "Okay so we are gonna take a selfie With you kissing me on the lips and next posted on instagram, then Jacob will see that and he'll be Jealous, then he will say to he's self 'What have I done' he'll then try to apologise, but just say 'i dont want to have a boyfriend or a friend that is a fuckboy' and thats the plan!" He says, i think im down for it.

We then take the selfie and next i post it to instagram.

Jacob POV

I was happy and all with my girlfriend, until i get a notification

@Stacy×Mesa Just posted a new instagram picture

In the picture i see her KISSING MARK ON THE LIPS!! HE WILL HURT HER!
I calm down and text Stacy

Me :Hey Stacy, im sorry about what happend but Are you dating Mark?! He's gonna hurt you, trust me!
Me: Answer Stacy!
Me: i asked you a simple question so answer it
Me: im still waiting
Stacy : Yes im dating Mark, you dont need to be such a mf about it, Oh and I dont talk to fuckboys or have a friend that's a fuckboy, so bye Fuckboy
Me: I'm so sorry Stacy! Pls forgive me!
Me : Okay, if u don't want 2, it's okay, bye bitch!

I was so sad, i didn't mean to call her a bitch ugh whatever, im gonna go see what my sweetheart is doing

Me : Hey Babe, i miss you♥
Girlfriend : I miss you too baby, i wish you were at the beach with me ♥
Me: i wish I could too ♥
Girlfriend: should i post this on instagram?

Me: I'm dying! Call 911, lol you look really hot in it baby, post itGirlfriend: lol thanks baby love you, i have to go my mom is calling meMe: Okay bye beautifulGirlfriend: bye babe ♥

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Me: I'm dying! Call 911, lol you look really hot in it baby, post it
Girlfriend: lol thanks baby love you, i have to go my mom is calling me
Me: Okay bye beautiful
Girlfriend: bye babe ♥

Ones i was done with that, i decided to go to Chipotle! I go there eat and next go to the park, i sit down and look at the beautiful sky, until 2 people walk pass, it was Mark and Stacy holding hands, i look at them, they were having fun, i decided to go back home and just cry, i then stop crying and then remember it and i cry again and next i stop, i go to the bathroom take a shower next go to bed.

Stacy POV

*Skip Sunday*

*Monday morning*

I wake up, brush my teeth and my hair, and next put it in a messy bun, i then wear (Pic under)

I then wear hot pink lipstick and mascara and thats it, today, i decided to skip school at lunch because I have some stuff to do, then I text mark if we can walk to school together and he said yes, i then go outside and stand there waiting for mar...

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I then wear hot pink lipstick and mascara and thats it, today, i decided to skip school at lunch because I have some stuff to do, then I text mark if we can walk to school together and he said yes, i then go outside and stand there waiting for mark, after 1 minute he comes out, we walk to school, mark had he's hands around me, so people at my school thought I was dating Jacob, but ain't anymore, they all were whispering about me cheating on Jacob, i ignore it and walk with Mark, Jacob looks at me with he's little slut, Maya, yes her, that girl that he was lying about that she was he's first kiss, Maya slaps jacob and she kisses him, he's cheek turn red, i didn't care, i walk to my locker, marks locker was 126 mine was 123 so we were close to each other, the bell rings , me and mark had the same class, English, i then went there and see Andrew "Will you be my girlfriend?" He says with he's cheeks that were red af, i mean I love Andrew but what about mark? "I'm sorry Andrew, but I'm dating Mark, I love you and all but I already have a boyfriend" i say to him sadly "its okay, stay happy with Mark!" He says, he was about to cry, i felt bad, mark then grabs my wrist carefully with out hurting, there comes the sparks, he said "Let's go to class before we are late" i say okay and next we go into the class.

*Skip first 1.pd and 2.pd*

I then get out of class and see Jacob standing in front of me "I'm sorry St-" i cut him off "No Jacob, No." I say back and leave, i actually kind of feel bad for h- i snap out of my thoughts because I bump into someone, it was Mark...He says sorry and helps me out, he gives me kiss on the lips my body was filed with sparks. Me and mark go eat are lunch, i finished my lunch and next i told Mark i was going somewhere, it was to the....Mall! I know your like 'is she really skipping school to go to the mall?' Yes i am, i go to the mall, i buy alot of clothes, like alot, i did not buy sweet clothes i buy badass clothes, i paid like 292$ for this, oh well its worth it, i call my mom if I can dye my hair ombré, she was not sure, i beg until she said okay, i dye it, it turn out to beautiful, i buy some blue contact and wear them, i looked like a badass today.

Welcome To The New Me

This all took me like 5 hours, i get back home, i get a call from Mark. We talk about what we did,i did not tell him that i dyed my hair and go blue contacts, he next ends the call because he's dad called him. I go to bed.

*Tuesday morning*

I wake up and put my blue contacts on, next i put my clothes on
And i was ready to go to school i text mark, he said he'll be there in 5 minutes i wait until he comes and he looks at me with he's eyes wide open "Whoa whoa whoa, What happend to you? You completely changed, i can't even remember you!" He says, i laugh and tell him "Well i just wanted to change my style a bit, do you like it?" "i dont like it, i love it!" He says and then he hugs me, I tell him if he can take a picture of me so I can posted on instagram, he said of course

I wake up and put my blue contacts on, next i put my clothes on And i was ready to go to school i text mark, he said he'll be there in 5 minutes i wait until he comes and he looks at me with he's eyes wide open "Whoa whoa whoa, What happend to you...

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I then post it and mark yells "We're late c'mon Stacy! " "Okay okay!" I say back running to school.

A/n: this is the longest chapter i have ever wrote! 1202 words! I'm literally amazed! Vote for me pls, bye!

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