Break or date?

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Stacy POV

After my nap, I go take a shower, and I realised that I was leaving tomorrow so why not take a shower? I finish taking my shower, I blow dry my hair, when it was not wet anymore, I straighten it. I go back to my bed, I get a text message from maya, OMG YASSSS! !! SHE WAS THE ONE THAT TOLD ME JACOB WAS CHEATING ON ME!!
Thank god i remember her!

Maya😝😌: Hey girl! Hopefully you remember me, but can I come to see you?
Me: Yeah sure you can!
Maya 😝😌:Molly is coming
Maya 😝😌:if you want
Me: Who Is Molly?
Maya😝😌:My sister, can she come?
Me:yeah she can, now see you later bye!!
Maya😝😌: bye!


I didn't know that Maya had a sister, as I was waiting for Maya and Molly to come, I get a notification on twitter from Jacob, it said 'Felling All good, but someone tried to commit suicide, glad I was there to save her.' I immediately knew who he was talking about, it was me!

Right after that thought, Maya comes In with her sister Molly "Are you doing good?" Maya says hugging me " Everthing is good oh and thanks for telling me Jacob cheated on me" I say to her "No problem, and this is my sister Molly, she is 16 years old" Maya says "Hey! I'm guessing your Stacy right?" Molly asks "Yeah I'am" I say, we talk for like 1 hours and they left, I still didn't tell them that Jacob saved me.

*2 hours later*

Someone knocks on my door "come in!" I scream, I see Andrew "Hey Stacy is everything going good?" He says "Yeah I'm doing fine" I say to him " and Jacob are not together anymore right?" He asks "Well....we are only friends." I say to him "Can I ask you a question?" He asks "Yeah sure" I say back

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

He says, I didn't know what to say, I told Jacob that I took a break from boys, what should I choose? Break or date ? "Yes, Andrew!" I say hugging him, no sparks, as we got warmer, I felt sparks, I don't know why but this always happens to me, I hug someone, no sparks, as we get warmer, sparks, Isn't that weird? I stop hugging him and look into his green eyes, I lean in, the door opens and I see...

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