She Woke up!

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Stacy POV

After Jacob left, i decided to go outside to the park, i see people moving to The house beside Jacob,i wanted to say hello and introduce myself but they we're too busy unpacking there stuff.

I went to the park,and i sat on a bench and look at the beautiful sky, i see 2 little kids playing, it was so adorable . I then went home, i decided to go to the new neighbours and introduce myself, I knock on the door....nothing,I quite and just went home, mark text me

Mark 😊💞 : Hey can I come over?
Me: Yeah sure you can ;)
Mark😊💞: Okay, I'll be there in 30 minutes,
Me : Okay bro, I'll wait!
Mark😊💞: thanks for calling me bro, anyways bye ♥

I laugh and next i went to my bathroom to get changed and all that. I look at the Window. I see.....Jacob kissing a girl! I couldn't believe it! I then take a razor And cut myself 20 times.

1. For letting Jacob have a girlfriend
2. Giving a necklace that has my name on it
3. Seeing Jacob making out with Kylie
4. Forgiving Jacob after what he did
5. Watching a movie and lay on his chest
6. Kissing him
7. Sleeping with him
8. Thinking that i was his girlfriend
9. Seeing him kiss another girl that I don't know
10. Cheating on me


The last 10 ones I did them for fun, i clean the mess, next i was waiting for mark to come, I read my instagram comments on my new pic

The last 10 ones I did them for fun, i clean the mess, next i was waiting for mark to come, I read my instagram comments on my new pic

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Shoutgirl_17: you look ugly af, go drink some bleach bitch.
Alexander_Moka: Damn baby girl ♥ nice body xoxo
Rosina23duh: i have 3 words, go kill yourself
Hiplikelea: Nobody likes you, i mean look at you, your ugly as hell, i stand up with @Rosina23duh & @shoutgirl_17

I go to the bathroom and take bleach i take a sip and everything went black.

Mark POV

I was walking to Stacy's house, i knock on the door.....nobody, i knock again....nobody, i was worried so i open the door it was not locked. Thank god.

I call her name, no response, I go to her room, i see nothing then I go to the bathroom and...

I see bleach on the floor and 17 or more cuts on her hand...i quickly called the ambulance and next Jacob.

The ambulance came before Jacob came, Jacob Told the ambulance that he was her brother. They let him in and next they leave....hopefully she is gonna be okay. I didn't know what to do so i went back home, play on my Xbox.

Jacob POV

I kiss Stacy's forehead and she....she woke up! She smiled but i didn't see it for that long because the ambulance pushed me away and they did something for her.

I still couldn't believe she woke up! We finally arrive to the hospital, i get a call from my mom ( j=Jacob m=mom)

M : where are you honey?
J: Stacy is at the hospital, and I'm with her
M: why?! What happend?!
J : i Dont know mom, Mark called me and he said that Stacy cut herself 20 times and it looks like she drunk some bleach!
M : oh my lord! Hold on, im gonna call her parents
J :Yes please!
M: Okay bye honey, take good care of Stacy while her parents are coming
J : Okay bye mom!
M : bye

< Jacob hung up >

After 2 minutes Stacy parents came And they sit right next to me.

"Is everything okay with Stacy?" The mother said to me panicking.

I tell her i dont know. We wait there for almost 2 hours, until the doctor came.

"Everything is good with Stacy, accept, she has to get 20 stitches cause of the cuts, Other then that, everything is good with her" He says.

"But what about the bleach?" I ask.

"Well since she cut herself 20 times she lost alot of blood, so the first sip that she took blacked her out, so since she didn't drink that much bleach, everything is good with her." He says.

"Can we go see her?" The dad says.

"If you want too" the doctor says. I tell Stacy's parents if I can go first to see her first, and they said yes.

Stacy POV

"Where am I?" I say to myself in my head, i couldn't move, everything was black.

"Stacy, i dont know if you can hear me but, im gonna say it anyways, Ever since I met you at school, I was in love with you, i didn't want to be your friend, I wanted to be someone really special to you, And I'm very sorry off what happend this day. I didn't know what made you do this to your self, whatever happens, don't do this to your self again. Stacy, I love you. Forever, please don't let me stay here in this stupid world, if you die, i will die with you." I hear a Jacob say. He cries while holding my hand.

A tear slipped down my eye, Jacob saw that and he called the nurse. I open my eyes, and see Jacob.  I smile he smiles back and he kissed my hand, but then the nurse told jacob to get out, so he did. The nurse said I was okay, but i need 20 stitches, i was so sad to get stitches.

"Can I ask a question if you don't mind?" She asked.

"Yeah sure, you can." I replie.

"So what made you do this?" She asked.

"Umm well, it's a long story." I say.

"Oh it's okay if you don't want to tell me, i was just asking." She said. "Nah its okay" i say back. Then the nurse was done. She told my parents and Jacob came to see me, but i didn't only see my parents and Jacob i saw....

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