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A/N: This is a Narry one shot I wrote for a husband games that I'm in. I really liked this although I don't ship them as anything more but a Bromance. I hope you enjoy!(:


Niall's POV:

"Hey babe!" Harry says entering my flat. I immediately smile at his prescence. I walk over to him and give him a peck. None of the lads are here so it doesn't matter. He hugs me back and I love the height difference between us. Its nice. I then grab his hand and pull him towards the kitchen.

"Can you make me a sandwhich during the twitcam?" I ask as I grab my laptop, letting go of his hand.

"Do I have to?" He groans as I tweet the link to the twitcam. The fans are really excited. The mentions blow up.

"Tell Harry to make me a sandwhich guys!" I ask them then show Harry the mentions.

He groans then whispers in my ear, "id give you a kiss right now if we werent on the twitcam." I laugh as he pulls away and walks towards the fridge.

"You're lucky I love you," he says and I laugh more. I turn around and mouth it back at him. I look back at the comments and I see that they are blowing up with #narryisreal. I immediately tense up. Once Harry sets the stuff down, he notices that I'm tense. He comes over to me and checks the mentions too. He immediately tenses up too. The fans seem to notice. I break a sweat and look at Harry and hes looking back at me with the same amount of worry. I grab his hand and squeeze it.

I mouth at him, "what should we do?" He just shrugs. He still has worry written in his beautiful features. I look at the comments and they are all really mean towards Harry since theyve assumed that we are together. I look at Harry and I can tell that he is taking this badly. Hes on the verge of tears and runs out of the room.

"Fuck off guys! So what if im in love with Harry? I can't help that. You should just be glad that I am happy with someone and so is he!" I shout and end the twitcam. I run after Harry.

"I will always love you Niall, but I cant do this," he says as I sit by him.

"Harry, baby please dont listen to them. They dont know what theyre talking about. They're just jealous of us. Please dont give up," I plead pulling him back down as he tried getting up. He looks back at me and I kiss him ever so passionately. It is definitely the most heated one that we've had yet because I'm putting all of my emotions into it and so is he.

After a bit we finally pull apart because Harry is getting a call from Louis. I admit, it annoys me that their are rumours about them but I'm sure their won't be anymore after my outburst. Harry seems happier and then confused once he hangs up the phone.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Louis said to check twitter," he tells me so I do. I look at the trends and I immediately smile as most of them are of us. My favorite though is #supportfornarry. I look through the tweets in the hashtag and I favorite and tweet a lot of them back. Harry is doing the same. After about two hours we are done. We look at each other happier than we ever have before. He then reaches over and kisses me this time leading to a very exciting night.

~le end

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