Louis Instagram imagine

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"Louis! Are we still watching movies?" I yell from across the room.

"I'd rather just lay here with you," he responds coming towards the couch.

"You're such a cheese ball," I tell him as I rest my head onto his lap.

"You love me," he smiles.

"Only because you love me," I tell him. I just wish he loved me the way that I love him. He gasps and throws popcorn at my face. I smack his arm and slide myself up a bit. I'm now sitting on his lap. I hug him because it might be the last time that I'm able to for awhile.

"What's wrong?" He asks me laughing and hugging me back.

"I just don't want you to go on tour," I tell him. He squeezes me tighter.

"You should come with!" He shouts and I laugh at him.

"It's the middle of the school year Louis," I scold. My education is important to me.

"I know. Nothing's going to change though. You'll always be my best friend," he tells me. Yeah. Only your best friend.

"But you won't really be here," I say looking at him in the eyes.

"I can't be here though. Maybe I will visit you in your dreams," he says as if it is the most clever thing in the world. I roll my eyes at him.

"I'll skype you whenever I can if Harry will let me," he offers instead and I smile at the thought. It's better than nothing right?

"You better," I say and he laughs.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," he responds and I blush. He hugs me tightly and we stay like that for awhile. I hear him humming lightly after awhile and nudge him with my face so he knows that I hear him and to continue.

"Oh oh, oh oh, be my baby and I'll look after you," he sings aloud and I immediately recognize the song by the fray. I squeeze him tighter. Does this mean something? I look up at him and into his eyes. He looks into my eyes and continues singing with a grin. He's not trying to make this song funny so it must mean something right?

"Louis?" I ask.

"Yeah love?" He says.

"Um nevermind," I tell him and look away. He grabs my face though and strokes my hair. He cups my cheek and pulls me in for a kiss that I return. That kiss was the best one of my entire life. The rest of the night goes smoothly as we confess our feeling for each other and even tour goes nice. I still miss him but I know I have nothing to worry about because we love each other.

~le end~

A/N: did you guys like it? Sorry, I know it's really short. Oh and Louis did sing that song. It's on YouTube.




Alex xx

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