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"Wait here Emma," Louis whispers as we approach the door that leads to where Harry is. He's sitting on the balcony, looking out at the ocean, not having a care for the world. I hate that I did this to him. I listen to Louis as he goes out there with him, leaving me to eavesdrop.

"Hey mate. You okay?" Louis asks still standing. Harry has a short temper now so he wants to be ready to leave if he needs to be.

"I'm fine," he mumbles irritated. Louis raises a brow at him and I'm still surprised by his harsh tone.

"I know that you're missing Emma so I brought someone here to visit you," Louis says cautiously looking at me. I gulp.

"Please don't mention her to me again," he cooly states as I am outside already. I immediately start walking backwards.

"Too late," Louis says. He then leaves the balcony and I start after him, but he locks the door behind him. Great. He doesn't want me here. I sit on the back against the door for awhile, hoping that Harry doesn't know I'm here. From his steady breathing, I don't think he knows. I watch as he takes out a beer, slowly drinking it. Then another. And another.

"I don't remember you drinking this much," I mumble to myself and my heart lurches when I see him set down his drink. His head turns my way and I cover my mouth. He lowers his sun glasses, revealing his red, swollen eyes that breaks my heart.

"Emma?" He asks confused.

"Hi Harry," I shyly smile, getting up. I dust myself off.

"How long have you been out here?" He asks me.

"Long enough to know that you have a drinking problem," I answer as I walk towards him. He looks away from me, taking another swig.

"Could you blame me? I lost you to another filthy bloke," he says and that pain in my chest returns.

"You never gave me a chance to explain. You were away on tour and we were fighting and-" I begin, but he cuts me off.

"And you were lonely and he was there blah blah blah. You're just like the rest of them." He takes another drink then looks at me. I feel his gaze even though I can't see his eyes through the sunglasses.

"And to think I thought you were different," he scoffs.

"Okay yes. I was lonely and he was there. But nothing happened. I swear to you Harry. He tried to make a move in public, but I stopped him. I'm not one to cheat. Why can't you see that? I didn't think that you thought so low of me," I reply watery eyed. I refuse to cry though no matter how much this hurts. He doesn't respond. I wait and wait, but don't get a response.

"You know what? I wish Louis didn't bring me here because you won't believe me even though he did. I'm leaving," I tell him with a frown on my face, walking to the door when he grabs my arm, forcing me to stop. I really do miss his touch.

"Louis believed you?" He asks.

"Yes he did. He has faith in me unlike some people," I spit pulling my arm from his grip.

"Emma. I'm sorry. I know how Louis gets and if he believes you then you must be telling the truth," he responds.

"You didn't believe me though," I say in disbelief as I walk towards the door. I'm soon enough roughly turned around by strong familiar arms that make me weak.

"I believe you now though," he tries again. I turn my head away from his.

"It doesn't count. You only forgave me because your best-" I almost finish, but I'm interrupted with his lips crashing on mine, quieting me instantly. His body moves closer to mine and I tangle my fingers in his hair, instantly forgetting my anger towards him.

"Can I be forgiven for my foolishness?" He asks, pulling away to get some air.

"For now. But only because I miss you," I respond and his grin is precious. He immediately connects our lips again, making up for all of our lost time together.

~le end~

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