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"C'mon Parker. Be chill. I'm just trying to barbecue us a nice dinner before the lads come over," Niall tells me throwing yet another steak on the grill. I run my fingers through my hair, annoyance seeping through. I start pacing, my summer dress swirling a bit. I don't normally wear dresses, but today I felt like being girly.

"That's my point! The lads are always over Niall. I mean, yeah it was fun at first, but I want some alone time with you too," I whine. He just closes the grill and looks over at me. He leans against it with a little smirk against his face.

"Well, we're alone now so I don't see the problem," he replies waving the spatula in his hand. He's paying more attention to that now instead of me.

"You know damn well that isn't what I mean," I snap walking towards the door.

"Whoa. You okay Parker?" Harry asks as I run into him. Just great. I don't even acknowledge him as I make the way up to our bedroom. I throw myself onto the bed and just lay there. I close my eyes, trying to calm myself.

I know I'm overreacting, but I want some one on one time with him too, ya know? I understand that he has friends and the fans and family, but I'm important too, right? Maybe I should leave for the night to clear my head...nah.

Instead I just roll over and groan into my pillow. That's when I feel the soft traces of finger tips moving in circles across my back, startling me at first. Soon enough though it's helping me be calm so I don't move a muscle and just breathe, not allowing thoughts to enter my mind.

"Parker?" The thick Irish accent almost startles me in the silence. I roll over so I'm on my back now and look up to see Niall towering over me, looking saddened.

"I sent the lads home," he admits and I frown.

"You didn't have to do that Niall. They're always more than-" I begin, but soon he cuts me off.

"Don't confuse me like that. It just gets me in trouble every time they do come over." His tone surprises me and he looks so crossed.

"They are welcome here whenever Niall though. It's just I don't want them here all the time because...never mind. I'm over reacting," I tell him looking away. He grabs my chin, moving my head so I'm facing him.

"Tell me," he orders.

"Well just think about it. I mean, you wouldn't like it if I had the girls over every day every day. Yeah, you get along with them and all that stuff, but you still wouldn't like it because it's too many girls and I would be paying more attention to them than you and it doesn't feel nice," I explain and I feel like a bad person.

"Is that what it really feels like?" He asks me.

"Yes! And you're always away on tour with them and doing all of these weird things and I'm here alone and have nothing to do, but miss you and-" I begin, but soon enough my rant is cut off by his lips smashing onto mine as he crawls on top of me.

"I'm so sorry princess. You should never have to feel that way," he tells me and I just pout. I don't want to forgive him so easily.

"Parker," he says as he starts kissing at my neck which feels insanely good.

"What Niall?" I groan, hoping for it to come out as angry, but instead it comes out as a moan of pleasure.

"I love you and I'm going to make it all up to you now," he tells me. He's really convincing too because only minutes later I'm confessing my love for him and how I forgive him between breaths, which is fine by me if I must say so myself.

~le end

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