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Harry leads me through the pile of people, drunk off their asses like most college people would be. I'm extremely angry and worried, not knowing what to think. I hear giggling and I know that we're close. I wrap my jacket closer to my body, my waves covering my face a bit as we finally reach the center of attention. Zayn is passed out drunk on the floor, cups outlining his body lightly. Normally, I would laugh at this, but tonight I'm just not in the mood. I move the cups out of the way, nudging Zayn slightly to wake him up. He stirs a bit, grinning stupidly once he sees me.

"Hi baby," he grins, but regrets the choice as he gets dizzy and I see his Adam's apple bob up and down, signaling the vile that must want to leave his body.

"Let's go," I say helping him up. I silently thank Harry as Zayn leans on me for support while I show him the way up to his dorm room. I open up his dorm room to find it a complete fucking mess in which I will scold him for later. I practically toss him on his bed, angrier than before. Why did I have to come all the way from my dorm where I was peacefully sleeping to bring this drunk ass boy up to his room?

"Goodnight Zayn," I mumble heading towards his door until he begins whining at the fact that I'm leaving.

"Come lay down with me," he practically begs. I just glare at him.

"Zayn. It's late and I'm tired and I'm not pleased that I had to come help your drunken bum up here when anyone else could have. I'm going back to my dorm," I snap. I'm not in the mood at all. He frowns at me subtle burst.

"I only wanted you though," he tells me and my heartbeat races. Why? We don't even know each other all that well. All I know is he majors in the arts and does some sick graffiti paintings.

I mean, yeah, I've liked him for awhile, but who wouldn't? He's gorgeous and smart and funny, but he smokes and drinks and parties every weekend. I'd like him so much more if he wasn't a frat boy although that makes him all the more attractive. My feelings are conflicted. I hate that he does this to me.

"Why?" I frown. He's drunk and probably just trying to get into my pants.

"I don't know. I guess I've always just wondered what it'd be like to sleep with a girl in a nonsexual way," he smirks. I don't know if I should be offended or not so I don't say anything.

"Besides, I think you're kind of beautiful," he tells me, my feet dragging over towards his bed. I sit on the edge, flushed as he sits up. He grabs me and brings me closer to him. I'm vary, but I don't argue. I should live a little since we're in college. I snuggle in the bed next to him. This is a one time thing and I'll be gone before he sobers up in the morning.

He kisses my cheek and then whispers in my ear, "thank you for taking care of me even though we don't know each other." I just nod in response as he continues, "I've fancied you for quite a bit now."

My stomach does flip flops at his drunken confession. I know he doesn't mean it....I feel his breath trickle down my neck as I try to fall asleep. I'm almost asleep too when his fingers roam through my hair and he leans forward, whispering in my ear, "I wasn't drunk by the way." My eyes immediately shoot open as I look at him, his eyes twinkling in the dark.

"You weren't?" I ask him. He just shakes his head, sticking his tongue out slightly.

"Why am I here then?" I ask obviously confused. He scratches the back of his neck.

"Honestly, I just didn't know how else I could start a conversation with you. I'm not exactly the most socialable person and I thought faking being drunk would help, but then you didn't show up," he tells me. I love how shy he's being.

"You're cute," I respond, surprised by my own words. He just smiles at me in return. I snuggle more into him.

"Nowhere as cute as you," he mumbles sleepily. Okay, I don't think this night could've turned out any better.

~le end

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