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Alphabet Boy,

I told someone about how I felt for you. But as I told my small story, this story, I added a few parts and detached a few as well until Shinee-hyung thought it was joke. You know, so a broken hearted can laugh. I know heartbreaks, they weren't easy to deal with. Heartbreaks would lead to depression, depression would probably lead to my state. This. Like this. Writing notes for someone who wouldn't even receive these, as well as my feelings. I don't really know why Autumn rejected him.

I know Shinee-hyung is moody, but he's a good guy. He's a bit grumpy sometimes, but it's only because he lacks sleep for he works too hard for his songs. But he gives me free ramen when he can't even feed himself, he also never forgets to call and ask me how I'm doing. He's kind. I like Shinee-hyung.

Shinee-hyung laughed. It worked. My joke about I falling in love with you, in the wrong timing, and for the wrong person, and in the wrong goddamn place.

I didn't laugh.

Is it really like that? Do my feelings for you really look ridiculous to other people? Is that how people think?

The world really is fucked up. It's just a big lie.

Eomma and Appa still won't allow me to go to Fairylight's place. Why not?

What will happen now for my surprise?

Save me,


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