i love you

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I changed the title of these imagines because I really don't have much inspiration to write smut anymore. I might still occasionally write some, though. 💞
With Patrick, your relationship was always loving and affectionate. Along with that came tons of i love you's, and different ones for different circumstances. I love you's could fix and improve a lot.

The First One
The first "I love you" between you and Patrick wasn't particularly planned. It was a rather clumsy and awkward affair, but anybody observing may have called it cute.

It was about two months into your relationship. You both had wanted to take things slow, so there wasn't a whole lot of affection yet. It was the first time you'd been over at his house, and he took the opportunity to educate you on Grease.

"I can't believe you've never seen this!" Patrick had exclaimed, gesturing at the screen where the opening credits were playing. You had laughed and shaken your head.

"I wasn't big on musicals growing up, Patrick," you giggled, watching his face light up once the movie actually started. "I was more of a.. I dunno, Terminator kind of kid."

Patrick laughed. "Baby, so was I, but come on! Grease is a classic! You had to have watched it at least once."

You shook your head and grinned. "Nope. Never."

Patrick had then proceeded to ramble about the plot of the movie and completely spoil it for you, but you really didn't mind. Then again, you weren't really listening, which could've been rude, but it was intoxicating to watch him talk like he was; all excited and bright eyed.

He probably could have kept talking forever, or at least until the end of the movie, but you quieted him by pressing his lips to yours. It was a bold move at the time, and both of you nearly froze stiff for a few seconds. Patrick was the first to pull away, blushing and flustered. He looked so cute you could hardly breathe, your heart flooded with sudden emotion.

Before you could even think, you spat out a breathless "I love you."

It was definitely unplanned and unexpected and it rendered both of you speechless. You lowered your head, suddenly embarrassed. The movie kept playing, but neither of you paid any attention to it.

You opened your mouth to speak, finally, and Patrick gently took your chin between his fingertips and kissed you swiftly. Neither of you were stiff this time.

"Thanks for shutting me up," he giggled. "I love you, too."

When You're Mad
Arguments between you and Patrick are rarely serious enough to send one of you out of the house, but they usually leave you two needing space to cool off. Patrick gives you that and, in turn, you leave him alone. Whoever approaches who after a while depends on who's angrier.

Often, it's Patrick who cools down first and finds you either in the kitchen or bedroom. He would slowly put his arms around your waist and wait for you to relax, gently rubbing your sides for a moment. He'll usually give you a few kisses on your temple and put his chin in your shoulder, and mumble out an, "I love you. I'm sorry I made you mad," even if it wasn't his fault. If you won't accept his affection at first, he'll pepper kisses all over your neck and face, whispering little I love you's in between until you giggle and give in.

Either way, you both usually go to bed without wanting to turn away from each other.

When He Comes Home
Of course, Patrick's on tour and away from home on many occasions. When you choose not to or can't go with him, it's not enjoyable for either of you.

Usually, you'll meet him at the airport. You'll wait near the gate he's scheduled to come out of, giddy with excitement and a little tired from your inability to sleep the night before. When Patrick would finally walk out, you'd tackle him in a hug and make him drop his luggage, but neither of you would mind it much.

Both of you would stand there too long, probably, swaying gently and taking in each other's presence for a few minutes. Patrick would finally pull away and kiss your forehead first, then your nose, and finally, your lips, taking his time and making you laugh. He'd kiss you slowly and sigh out something along the lines of, "God, I love you. I missed you so much, baby doll." On those kind of days, the I love you's kept coming until both of you were physically too tired to keep going.

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