what's in your hair (1/3)

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You ran your fingers through your hair before the mirror, watching the flyaway hairs and baby hairs float around. An unhappy little huff passed your lips; for the longest time, you'd been bored to death with your hair. No amount of caramel colored highlights or fancy up-dos could satisfy your aching for something new.

Your husband pushed open the bedroom door, glancing at you before he flopped down on the bed. Patrick's stomach hit the mattress with a small "oomph."

"What are you doing, baby?" He asked, resting his head against his crossed arms. You shrugged.

"Just playing with my hair, I guess," you said. Patrick furrowed his eyebrows.

"Looks like you're just messing it up to me," he giggled. You cracked a smile at that. "Seriously, though, what's on your mind?"

"Why do you ask?"

Patrick stood up, stretching a little bit before he put his hands on your waist and his chin gently on your shoulder. You shivered when you felt his breath against your skin, and Patrick smiled at your squirming.

"I dunno. You just look like you have a little bit on your mind," Patrick said. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His chest was warm and vibrated pleasantly against your back.

"Uh, yeah. I guess I do have something on my mind," you sighed. "Nothing too serious, though."

"What is it, baby?"

You looked down and toyed with Patrick's fingers. "It's just my hair, is all."

"Your hair?"

I'm.. I'm bored with it."

Patrick smiled. "How're you bored with it?" The singer asked. He pressed a small kiss behind your ear.

Your lips puckered into a confused little pout. "It's just dull to me. I wanna do something with it, you know?"

Patrick was silent for a couple of seconds, closing his eyes briefly. When he opened his eyes again, glancing at the reflection of him hugging you in the mirror, he ruffled your hair gently. "Why don't you dye it?" He suggested.

Your eyebrows creased together. "I have dyed it before?"

He shook his head. "No, not highlights. I meant, like, dying your entire head of hair."

"My whole head?"

Patrick laughed a little. "No, baby, your foot. Yes, your whole head."

You bit your lip. To be honest, you'd always been scared of dying your head completely; after hearing and seeing so many horror stories about damaged hair, you'd talked yourself out of it every time you thought about it.

You shrugged. "I've never really done that. Or seriously thought about it."

Your husband ran his finger through your hair, smoothing it down gently. "There's a first time for everything," he told you. "But do whatever you want."

To be honest, the idea didn't sound too bad- having unnatural or just drastically different colored hair would be fun. If Patrick thought it would look cool, there was a good chance it would. And, besides- hair dye fades, right?

Finally, you smiled again. "Well.. What color, then?" You asked.

Patrick thought for a moment before saying, "mm.. What about pink?"

"Pink?" You giggled. Patrick nodded.

"Yeah. You could have the whole pretty in pink feel, you know?" He said. "Either way, you'll be like my little flower. A cherry blossom, I guess."

You nodded, grinning from ear to ear. "Alright, pink it is. Sounds fun. I'll get the dye sometime tomorrow."

You spun around, putting your hands behind Patrick's neck and pulling him in to kiss you. He smiled against your mouth.

Abruptly, he pulled away. "Wait, just one thing I wanna ask."

You cocked your head a little to the side. "What?"

He grinned devilishly. "Can I do it?"

so there's part one of this !! whaddaya think?

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