bad day

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You walked into the house with your bag over your shoulder and a shopping bag in your hand, opening the front door as quietly as you could. Patrick had already made it clear to you over text that he'd had a pretty bad day, and you wanted to at least try to help him feel better, so you stopped by Walmart on the way home to grab a couple of things that would hopefully cheer the singer up.

When you peeked around the corner into the living room, you spotted a blue lump on the couch. Patrick was laying there, wrapped in a blanket and probably half asleep, with some movie you didn't recognize playing on the television.

You carefully padded into the living room, setting the shopping sack on the coffee table. Patrick barely stirred when you sat by his headed grabbed the remote to turn the television off. His glasses weren't on him, at the moment, sat somewhere that you couldn't see, probably, and his hair was all messed up and askew. Your husband looked cute as all hell, which you felt bad for thinking about when you knew he was feeling so terrible.

You ran your fingers through the front portion of his hair. "Baby? You awake?" You asked softly.

Patrick wriggled a little under the blanket, maneuvering only his left arm out from underneath his little cocoon. "Mm.. Yeah, I guess," he mumbled.

He made a grabbing motion with his freed hand. You took the hint, lacing your fingers with his. He sighed a little in relief when you gently squeezed his hand, and he have your palm a squeeze back.

"I'm sorry work was so bad, love," you said. Patrick's lips puckered into a small pout, eyes closed still. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Patrick shrugged, kissing your knuckles absentmindedly. "Pete and I got into it while writing. Joe left early and it just got more stressful from there," he shrugged. Your palm pressed tightly against his.

"I really am sorry," you sighed, leaning down to kiss in between his eyebrows. "That sucks."

Patrick shook his head, sitting up against the couch cushions. "It's nothing; just a bit of a bad day." He nodded toward the plastic bag on the table. "What's all that?

"You reached over to grab the sack, setting it down with your lap and peeking in. "I, uh, picked up some stuff to help you feel better."

Patrick smiled, for the first time today, probably. "Baby doll, you didn't have to do that," he said softly.

You pressed a finger to his lips. "Be quiet. You always take care of me when I'm feeling bad, so I had to return the favor," you told him. Patrick grinned even wider which, in turn, put a smile on your own face. You reached into the bag, pulling out the items inside of it.

Your husband took the first object that you handed him, turning it over in his hands. "A candle?" He giggled, probably confused.

You shrugged a little. "You said that vanilla scents calm you, right?" Patrick nodded.

"Yeah, well, it was cheap and it says it's supposed to smell like vanilla cookies.." You cleared your throat. "So I, uh, bought it."

Patrick leaned over to put his head on your shoulder, his breath tickling your neck. Even after so long together, he still managed to put butterflies in your stomach.

You kissed the top of his head, and spoke again. "I wasn't sure what else to get, and I know you like Costello-"

Patrick immediately perked up, lifting his head a little. You could pretty much see his eyes light up. "Yeah," he cut you off. You shook your head, laughing.

"Anyways," you sighed. "I found a greatest hits CD, so.."

You pulled the CD out of the bag, and handed it to Patrick. He looked beyond excited. "Baby.. Thank you," he gushed.

You shrugged your shoulders. "It's nothing. You like him and music calms you."

"Thank you."

"You've said that twice, now."

"I know, I'll say it again." He kissed your cheek once. "Thank you," he whispered, and then tilted your head towards him so he could kiss you. You were both smiling into it, but that made it better, in a sense.

Patrick sat up and put his hands on your hips, pulling away just enough to talk. His lips brushed against yours as he spoke.

"Thank you, baby."

Your eyebrows pulled into a furrow. "For what? The gifts? Those were nothing, baby. Just a ten dollar splurge for you."

He shook his head. "Not just what you bought, but thank you for making me feel better."

The corners of your lips tugged upwards into a grin. "That's my job, babe."

Patrick pressed his mouth against yours again, breathing out softly. When he broke the kiss again, he put his head in your lap, running his hand thoughtfully up and down your thigh.

"So.." He began softly, "about that Costello CD.."

You laughed lightly, pushing your hand through the fluffy parts of Patrick's hair.

"You want me to put it on?"

"Yes please."

The rest of the night was spent lazily, you and Patrick cuddled up on the couch and listening to Elvis Costello's greatest hits. Eventually, after about two hours of lazy kissing and half-listening to music, you and Patrick made your way up to bed.

short and kind of bad but hello !! here's an update !!!!

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