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wow,, an update,, am i,, sick ??? (i am, though. rip.)

You pushed your head underneath one of your pillows, the rest of your body cocooned underneath a couple of blankets. You'd been in an absolutely terrible mood all day; you couldn't pinpoint exactly what was upsetting you or why you weren't feeling well, but you felt bad nonetheless. Even worse, Patrick had left before you woke up this morning, and still wasn't home, so you'd been alone all day, too.

You sighed a little, peeking out from underneath your pillow just enough to spot Penny, your dog, sleeping beside your bed. That sight managed to coax a smile out of you, even if only for a few seconds.

A minute later, you heard the front door open and close rather loudly, and the thud of Patrick's footsteps echoed through the empty downstairs. Penny's ears perked up.

"Y/N?" Patrick called, his voice sounding close to the stairs. "You up, baby?"

"Bedroom," you said back, not sure whether your voice was loud enough for him to hear or not.

He apparently did hear you, though, because a few seconds later he poked his head through the bedroom doorway. From what you could see beneath your pile of blankets, his eyebrows were furrowed together and he was frowning.

Your husband came up by the bed, sitting on the edge of the mattress. "Are you alright, sweetheart?" He asked softly, slowly lifting one of the pillows you were cradling off of your head.

You sighed a little, closing your eyes and shaking your head. "No, not really," you mumbled. Patrick brushed your hair off of your forehead.

"You been like this all day?" He asked you, a hint of a smile creeping into his voice.

Shrugging, you leaned your head against his hand. "I haven't really left bed all day," you admitted.

"What's wrong, babe?"

You bit your lip. "Nothing specific, really. I've just been sad all day. Thinking too much," you told him.

Patrick sighed, leaning down to kiss your cheek. "I'm sorry, honey," he said. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

You were quiet for a few seconds, Patrick's face resting on your shoulder. "You could cuddle me," you said quietly.

Patrick laughed softly, climbing over your body so that he was behind you. "Sure, baby," he chuckled, pulling you back against his chest. Finally, you began to relax against him, your head resting in the crook of his arm and his chest vibrating pleasantly against your back while he hummed.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" He said quietly. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips for the first time all day.

"Mm," you murmured in response. Patrick pressed a kiss right behind your ear.

"You want me to tell you about my day, or something?" He whispered, breath tickling your neck a little. "Or tell you what I love about you? Something cheesy like that."

"I guess," you mumbled, giggling a little. "You tend to do that a lot anyways, though."

Patrick squeezed you a little, wrapping his arms around your body. He shrugged and put his face in your neck. "Not in depth or anything, though. I could sing to you, but that wouldn't feel special."

"Why not?"

He shrugged. "Tons of people get to hear me sing. But you're one of the only people who get to hear me like this."

"Just talking, you mean?"

"Yeah," he said. "I know you like when I sing to you, but I don't know of anybody else who gets to hear me say what I love about them."

You grinned, turning your head back to look at him. "That's sweet, baby," you told him.

"You want me to do that, then?" He smiled.

You nodded, and then leaned forward to kiss him. You felt him smiling against your mouth, which made you laugh and nearly ruin the kiss. Not really, though.

"I take it you're feeling better, now," he whispered.

You shrugged. "I still want you to talk to me."

"I will until you fall asleep, then," he said. You settled back against him, comfortably nestled against his chest.

"Like a lullaby?"

"Sure, Princess."

im so frustrated with this because it turned out so horribly but here's my first update in like!! a year!!!

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