baby came home

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if i see one more lyric chain or milk fic joke or bad pun in the comments of this fic im literally going to kill myself

You'd gotten up at six this morning to drive three hours to the airport where you were picking Patrick up, and you were both exhausted and on edge. Your stomach felt like it was doing backflips from all of the excitement, but your eyelids were droopy and yawns kept forcing their way out of your mouth. The shitty McDonald's breakfast you'd choked down didn't seem to energize you, unfortunately.The good thing was that you didn't feel out of place in your pajama pants and big t-shirt, among the crowd of sleepy and underdressed travelers.

Despite your exhaustion, you peeked up considerably after looking over the screen announcing flights' statuses; Patrick's flight from France was set to land in a few minutes. Your heart pounded so hard that you felt it in your throat. Seeing that made you more excited and more nervous, and especially more impatient. You wanted him to walk out of that terminal so you could hug him after three months of emotional torture.

You would've joined Patrick on Fall Out Boy's final European leg of their tour, but after tagging along for most of the United States and Canadian portion, you'd had enough. You wanted to be with him, but being cramped in a tour bus again for a quarter of a year just didn't seem appealing. However, while it was probably a good decision, you still regretted not going with them. You missed Patrick. A lot. Distance sucked.

You rocked back and forth on the heels of your feet, biting your lip as you stood in front of the terminal. Why hadn't his plane landed yet? Looking at the screen of flights every thirty seconds didn't help your anxiety, either.

Finally, after ten or so minutes, the screen updated and told you that Patrick's flight had landed. You almost audibly squealed until you remembered there were people around, and clenched your hands together to try and stop the shaking.

It took just under ten minutes for people to start walking out of the terminal, and your breathing became more and more uneven with each face you saw that wasn't Patrick's. Of course, everybody looked like him at first glance, but that was just your impatience acting up.

You took a deep breath, telling yourself to not get too over excited or eager. There were other people standing around you, waiting for their loved ones like you were. Even still, you felt like they didn't look nearly as excited as you did. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep a straight face, crossed your arms tightly across your chest to keep still. But you forgot your vow to look calm a few seconds later.

Patrick walked out of the terminal in a black button up, jacket, jeans, and sunglasses. You didn't fully register him less than ten feet in front of you until he looked up from his phone and saw you, and both of your faces lit up completely.

You ran forward and launched yourself against him, making him let go of his bag to wrap his arms around you. He buried his face into your neck and hugged you so tightly that you gasped, but you hardly minded. The both of you stumbled a few steps to regain your balance.

"Hi," you blurted out stupidly, giggling like an idiot. A few (happy) tears streamed down your cheeks as your set your chin on Patrick's shoulder.

Patrick laughed a little. "Hi, baby," he said, rubbing the middle of your back. "You're here."

You bit your lip. "Of course I'm here, dummy," you said. You pulled away a little to look up at him, smiling even wider at his grinning face. He took off his sunglasses.

He tilted his head down a little to kiss you, hooking his thumb under your chin to pull your mouth towards his. You could feel his lips curl up a little against yours; smiling.

He pulled away after a minute and then pressed a kiss in between your eyebrows, sighing against your skin for a second.

"I missed kissing you," he mumbled, pressing his forehead against yours. You smiled.

"I missed that, too," you said breathily. "I love you."

"I love you too." Patrick stood up straight again, smiling wide enough to show his teeth. He laced his fingers with yours. "I'm really, really glad I'm home," he sighed.

You squeezed his hand, stepping closer to him so you could walk along side him toward the baggage claim. You put your head against his shoulder and felt him rest his head on top of yours. It felt unbelievably nice in the moment.

"I'm really happy you're home, too, Trick."

honestly what the fuck was this lol but i updated !!

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