van days

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my friend sent me a bunch of prehiatus patrick pics and it got me to get off my ass and write so here's some van days patrick !!!

Patrick was really cute when he slept.

Like, really cute.

It got you into trouble, sometimes: staring at your best friend while he slept next to you in the back of the van definitely earned you some weird looks from everybody else. And, of course, endless teasing. Especially from Pete, who took note of your staring and blushing around Patrick. Needless to say, the teasing was incessant.

Patrick had his head against your shoulder, lolling slightly as the vehicle jostled on the bumpy road. The van had no seats in the back, so you had to lean against the window to keep from sliding around so much. Patrick's body weight pushed you further into the side, but you didn't really mind.

"Hey, Y/N," Pete sing-songed from the driver's seat. "Everything all right back there?"

You rolled your eyes, scoffing a little. "For your information, he's squishing me," you retorted.

"And I'm sure you like it."

"I don't," you dead panned. "There's probably indentations from the side of the van in my arms, now."

Patrick stirred a little, lifting his head so that he could look at you. "Am I hurting you?" He mumbled. God, his sleepy voice was cute.

You laughed a little. "Um, yeah, a little," you told him. Really, you kind of liked him laying on you, but your arms were starting to get sore.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes, allowing you to stretch out. "Here, switch me spots," he suggested. "Sleep on me for a while."

You smiled. "You sure?"

"Positive. I'm sure it'll be more comfortable for you."

You scooted over so Patrick could slip into your spot, and then leaned against his side. After a moment, he put his arm around you so you could nestle into him. He chest was pleasantly warm, and vibrated a little whenever he breathed or spoke.

"Comfy?" He asked you softly.

You nodded. "Yes, thank you."

Patrick nodded back and set his chin on top of your head. You closed your eyes and tried to sleep, but your heart was beating ninety miles a minute, and your stomach was fluttering. It was silent for a minute or two, aside from the soda cans clicking together.

"You're cute when you sleep," you blurted out. Patrick laughed, making you immediately regret opening your mouth.

"Am I really?" He asked, sounding shy. Your heart melted a little.

You avoided his eyes. "Just a little," you said. "I've.. Just noticed after all the hours that you've slept on me."

Patrick laughed again, but it was a nervous chuckle this time. You wondered if Pete or whoever else up front were listening to you two.

"Yeah.. Sorry about that," he murmured. You stole a glance at him, taking notice of his flushed cheeks, lopsided glasses, and messy hair.

"No, don't worry about it." You bit your lip. "Like I said, it's adorable."

"Oh, so I'm adorable, too?"

"Shut up."

You felt Patrick smile against your hair, while he squeezed you a bit little tighter to his side. "I dunno, I like seeing you get all flustered."

You pouted, your cheek squished up against his shirt. Patrick giggled at you, which you found adorable.

"You know, you're really cute when you're sleepy, too," he told you.

"But I'm not sleepy," you pointed out, even though that was a lie.You kind of were, actually.

"Yeah, well.." He paused, glancing out the window. "You're cute all the time."

"What was that?"


"You sure?"

Patrick bit his lower lip, clearing his throat a little. "Um.. Shut up."

"Make me."

He leaned in halfway, blushing furiously. You swallowed hard.

"I, uh, maybe- I mean, I might," he stuttered out. You couldn't help but laugh at him, although it came out a little breathy.

"You really are adorable," you mused. "Are you gonna kiss me or what, sideburns?"

"That's rude."

"No it's not. I like your sideburns," you said. "But are you?"

"Uh, maybe."

You signed a little, leaning up and putting your hand on his cheek. "Maybe you need to shut up."

Patrick opened his mouth to say something, but you pressed your mouth to his before he could. He didn't move, or breathe for that matter. He barely kissed you back, but you couldn't decide if he was just nervous or what.

You pulled away from him slowly. "I liked that," you said dumbly. Patrick smiled that dumb little lopsided smile he always gave you when he was nervous.

"I did too," he said. "Do it again."

You chuckled and leaned forward again, but Pete slammed on the brakes. You toppled forward onto Patrick, nearly bumping your head on the van window.

"Dear god, it's too sweet. I can't listen anymore."

"Shut the fuck up, Pete," Patrick groaned.

"Just make out quietly, okay?"

"Nah, I think we'll fuck on top of these McDonald's wrappers," you said. Pete started laughing his ass off before the van lurched forward again.

Patrick cleared his throat. "Um, we're not really going to-"

"No, you idiot," you scoffed. His cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink as you settled yourself into his lap. "But this is comfortable. I'll stay here."

"I'm okay with that."


"Yeah. Sit here more often."

shittier than i thought it would be but here u go eat the hell

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