vocal rest

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Patrick huffed and sat back against the couch, crossing his arms across his couch. Had he been able to speak, you were sure he'd be grumbling curses relating to his irritation. Despite his obvious grumpiness, you plopped down beside him with a smile on your face.

You reached for his hand to hold, but he pulled it back and tucked it into the crook of his arm. Playfully, you rolled your eyes.

"Patrick, babe," you giggled, "it's just a sore throat."

His eyebrows furrowed together, and his lower lip jutted out into a pout. Silently, he gestured for the white board and dry erase marker. You passed it to him and watched him write something down.

Patrick held the board out, with "VOCAL REST" was scrawled out in his handwriting. You shook your head and slid your legs over into his lap. "Yeah, baby, I know vocal rest sucks, but it's only for a day or two."

"Hmph," he huffed, making a face at you.

"Oh, hush." You waved your hand. "I love youu." Patrick sighed at you and looked down at your legs.

"You can't be mad at me," you pointed out, pushing his hair back from his forehead. He batted your hand away, making his hair fall back into his eyes. He pushed it back himself.

A sigh fell from your lips. "Do you want anything, or need anything?" You asked. "Tea? Or something?"

He looked thoughtful for a moment, biting the inside of his cheek. After a second, he touched your cheek, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip. Really, you knew what he wanted, but decided to play a little coy.

"Baby, what?" You scoffed, tilting your head against his hand. "Just use the white board, pretty please."

He rolled his eyes and uncapped the pen with his teeth, writing under the sloppy scrawl on the board across your lap.

You looked down at it. "'Kiss you?'" You read aloud. Patrick shrugged, smiling when you put your hand on the side of his neck. "You could've just told me. Oh, wait, you couldn't."

Before you could giggle, Patrick pulled you forward by the back of your neck and kissed you, breathing out softly.

Patrick pouted when you pulled away. "I-" he began, voice cracking.

You pressed your finger to his lips. "Ah-ah, shush. You're going to make it worse, babe."

Patrick tucked your hair behind your ear, clearing his throat. You frowned.

"Don't do that, either," you chastised. "That can't be good for your wimpy little throat."

He stuck his tongue out at you, to which you responded by poking his nose.

You looked down at his throat. "Seriously, though, you've been getting sick more often, baby. I hope this doesn't keep up."

You tucked your head down against his shoulder, feeling him shrug. He ran his fingers through your hair. "Hmm.."



You laughed a little, shutting your eyes. "Hmm. Well, you know, you being on vocal rest is kind of fun."


"Baby, you know what I mean; its not fun for you, but fun for me." You kissed the crook of his neck. "You're not really sick, so I can still do stuff with you, but taking care of you is nice to do.


"I mean, making you tea and stuff. And cuddling you," you said. "I don't really know how to make a scratchy voice feel better, though, aside from cough medicine."


"Shh. Don't open your mouth." Lazily, you pressed your mouth to his throat. He hummed a little.

"Maybe kisses cure vocal rest."


"Yeah, yeah, I know it's not the vocal rest itself that I'm curing." You clambered over his lap, enjoying the sound of his breath catching. Slowly, you peppered kissed up and down his neck.

He put his hands on your waist, toying with the hem of your shirt. You smiled against his skin.

"Mm.. I'm starting to think that maybe the kissing does more than just help you feel better, huh?"

Patrick groaned a little, pulling his arm around your waist. "Babe.." He mumbled.

"Shh," you whispered, kissing him behind his ear. "Don't talk."

A few days later, his voice was finally sounding better and the sore throat was gone. You were both curled up on the couch, again, watching pretty terrible reality television. Neither of you were paying much attention, though.

Patrick ran his fingers through your hair, kissing the top of your head. "Thank you, baby doll."

You smiled. "For what, honey?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. You helped my voice feel better, you know."

Shaking your head, you laughed. "What, the kissing? Baby, I know that the kissing really doesn't do anything."

Patrick shook his head, pulling you closer. "No, no, shh, it does help. Keep it up."

You giggled and kissed the space beneath his jaw. "Don't fool me, baby."

"I'm not fooling you, Princess," he insisted. "Look, whatever, I enjoy them."

You smirked at him, kissing him again just to watch him smile. "Oh, I know.

_ _ _

tysm for 4k reads 💓 also, tenth part, whoop !!!

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