pretty in punk (2/2)

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sorry this is so late Heck!!! im losing all motivation for writing so idk ://

Dim sunlight streamed against your face, straining your vision when you opened your eyes. You tried to roll over, but had seemed to forget that there was literally no room in the bed. You almost knocked Patrick off of the mattress, waking him up abruptly.

He groaned and gripped the covers to steady himself. "(Y/N)," he sighed, rubbing his cheek. His hair had formed a halo around his head, messy even though he didn't toss and turn much.

"Sorry," you mumbled, sitting up slowly. Patrick buried his face into the one pillow on the motel bed for a moment, and then turned to look up at you.

"It's fine," he said, flashing you a tired smile. His voice was still a little raspy from sleeping.

Slowly, Patrick reached up to touch your cheek, running his thumb over your cheekbone. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly; probably trying not to wake the others up.

You shrugged. You couldn't exactly say you were; you had hardly gotten any sleep because of what had happened with your (ex) boyfriend the night before, and you had bruises on your arms. However, you were better, considering you were with Patrick. Even if it was in a shitty motel with cheesecloth-thin sheets and half a pillow on each bed.

"I guess," you said finally. Patrick didn't look convinced, but didn't press you any further. He put his head on your knee.

"We're going to have to do something about.. him," Patrick said, sounding strained. You stiffened a little; confrontation wasn't something you were looking forward to.

He seemed to notice your discomfort. He sat up, pressing his palm to your cheek.

"Hey, look at me." And you did. "You're going to march your cute ass up to that jerk, tell him you're done letting him walk all over you, and be done with it. I'll even go with you and make sure nothing bad happens, okay?"

You bit the inside of your lip. "Okay."

An hour later, you had showered and borrowed one of Patrick's shirts to change into. He kept telling you that you looked cute, but you mostly just felt small and weird.

Joe and Pete and Andy were awake, now, but they left the two of you alone and milled around the motel room for a while.

Patrick walked up and put a hand on your shoulder. "You ready?" He asked softly. You weren't, really, but you had to get this over with at some point.

You nodded. "Yeah," you sighed, biting the inside of your cheek. Once again, Patrick wasn't convinced, but he was probably on the same page as you; no matter how nervous you were, you needed to get this over with.

However, you'd only just turned around to open the door when somebody outside pounded on it. You jumped back, stumbling into Patrick.

"That's.. probably him," you said breathily, swallowing hard. Patrick set his jaw.

"How'd he find the-"

"Probably just scared the receptionist downstairs into telling him where you were staying," Pete said from behind you two. "I don't think he'll leave until you talk to him."

Patrick glared back at him. "Pete!"


You bit your lip. "No, he's probably right," you said. "I guess now's a good time to tell him to step off." You chuckled dryly.

Patrick sighed. "You're sure?"

Before you could answer, your ex pounded on the door again. You nodded, squeaking out a "yeah."

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