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You slowly took the pins out of your hair, wincing every time a few baby hairs got caught and refused to let go. Your hair was already a mess from the night you'd had, and after you finished taking it down, it was a puffy, frazzled mess. You ran your fingers through it a couple of times with a little water before you started to take off your makeup. Or, what little of it was left on your face.

You and bars usually didn't mix well, but when Pete dragged you and Patrick along this time, you'd actually had some fun. Patrick seemed to have had a nice time too. Granted, though, he'd had a little more to drink than you had, but it was a good time nonetheless. You were tired now, however.

You heard a few knocks at the bathroom door- probably Patrick. You took out your earrings and set them down on the counter top.

"Babe?" You called. "Is that you?"

"Yeah," he said back, slurring his words a little bit. A smile spread across your face, imagining a slightly tipsy Patrick leaning against the door. He hadn't had thatmuch to drink, but him being even just a little drunk was a treat for you.

"You alright in there? You sound drunk."

"I'm not drunkk."

You shook your head, combing through your hair and then patting your face with a damp cloth. "I think you are, baby," you teased.

Patrick sighed. "Is it alright for me to come in, baby?"

You laughed a little. "Yeah, it's okay. I need help getting this dress off anyways."

Patrick walked into the bathroom with an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face. "Ohh, do you now?"

You rolled your eyes. "Not like that. Just help me unzip it so I can put on pajamas."

Your husband chuckled, walking forward and pushing your hair out of the way before she slowly undid the zipper on your dress. "Too bad. You look cute with nothing on."

Lamely, you reached back to hit Patrick's arm. "Shut up," you teased, stepping out of the cocktail dress and kicking it to the side. "You're drunk."

"Not very."

"Still drunk."

When you spun around to look at him, he was pouting at you. "Don't be mean to me."

You giggled a little. "Don't be.. Stupid to me."

"That was lame."

"You're lame."

"Your mom's lame," Patrick retaliated, putting his hands on your hips. You shook your head.

"You're such a dork," you laughed. "I like it."

Patrick put his lips against your neck, mumbling into your skin. "Shut up. You're still being mean."

"And you're still being drunk."

"Could you please let that gooo?" Patrick whined. "I didn't even have that much to drink."

"But you're still under the influence," you teased, smirking at him.

Patrick scoffed. "So are you."

"I didn't have nearly as much to drink as you did," you said, putting your hands on his shoulders. Patrick raised his eyebrows.

"And yet, you're still the only one in your underwear."

You punched his shoulder, sighed a little. "Touché, mister."

"So, you're basically admitting I just won that argument," he said.

"Shut up. That wasn't even an argument," you sighed. "Anyways, I did not say that."

"You totally did."

holy fuck this was bad !!! anyways thanks for 11k reads i hope ur eyes didn't bleed reading this

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