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Patrick had been in an absolutely terrible mood all day. It wasn't even a sad kind of mood- he had been straight up pissed off and frustrated ever since last nights show. It hadn't gone terribly, but making a few mistakes had set him on edge. Mostly, you guessed that he was tired of touring. You all were, but Patrick seemed especially stressed.

Your husband practically stomped through the sitting area in the tour bus, snatching up his bottle of water from the table. His cheeks were a little flushed; that usually happened when he was frustrated. You patted the spot beside you a little, sighing. Patrick didn't even turn.

"Baby," you said softly, "you stomping around isn't going to help. Please just sit down."

Patrick whipped around to glare at you, clutching the water bottle in his fist. "I'm not going to just sit down," he spat out.

You tried not to sigh again. "And why not?"

"Because it's not going to help anything, Y/N," he said exasperatedly.

You could understand Patrick being upset and wanting to sulk for a little while, but this was getting ridiculous. At least everybody else on the bus had gone out, and wasn't here to see him acting like this.

"Patrick," you huffed. "I don't understand what else you think is going to help. You've been sulking around all damn day, and frankly, I'm a little sick of it."

Patrick crossed his arms over his chest, while his shoulders heaved as he took in a slow breathe as if he were trying not to scream.

"Well, I'm sorry if I'm a little frustrated today," he said slowly, jaw shaking. You would almost feel better if he were yelling, rather than see him bottling everything up.

"Then tell me what's wrong!" You sighed. "I get that you're miserable, but you won't tell me why, and it's pissing me off."

You realized it probably sounded a little bad to make him tell you what's wrong. "You don't, I mean, have to tell me what's wrong, but I hate seeing you bottle this up. At least calm down."

"Fine. The tour's what's wrong."

Your eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "The tour? What about it?"

"I'm tired of it," he snapped. "I've enjoyed it and all, and I get that it's almost over, but holy shit am I tired of it."

"Patrick," you breathe out, shutting your eyes. "We're all tired of the tour, I'm sure. Don't give me that bullshit."

"It's not bullshit! That's why I'm mad. You're the one who asked."

"So you're telling me it's only the stress of the tour?"

Patrick turned away from you, putting the bottle of water down hard enough to spill it a little bit. "Yes, that's it! I haven't been sleeping-"

"You haven't been sleeping?"

"Don't cut me off. This entire tour has been putting tons of strain on all of us, yeah, but the minute I show frustration, you get pissed at me? Bullshit."

"Patrick, please, stop yelling. We can sort this shit out without you screaming at me."

"I don't see us getting things sorted out any other way, huh?"

You opened your mouth to snap something back, but the bus door just happened to open at the perfect moment. Patrick clenched his jaw and strode off to the kitchen area, leaving you standing in the living area with your eyes watering and cheeks hot.

Pete set his coat down on the couch, Andy and Joe walking in behind him. They all eyed you with concern, looking back and forth between you and Patrick for a few seconds.

"Everything okay?" Joe asked, to no one in particular, really. You sniffed and wiped at your cheeks with the back of your hand, even though you weren't really crying.

"Yeah," you said tightly, turning and walking away. "Everything's fine."

Patrick turned as you walked past him, his shoulder bumping yours. "Maybe we should sleep in separate bunks, tonight," you mumbled. You didn't wait for his reaction.

A couple of hours later, everybody was heading to bed, and you hadn't said anything to Patrick. It was kind of petty, but you figured leaving him alone and not talking to him would let him cool down. Really though, in reality, it just made you more upset. You had no clue if Patrick was mad or not anymore, but you weren't going to check.

You were holed up in your bed, huddled close to the wall. You'd usually be in Patrick's by now, waiting for him, but that probably wasn't going to happen tonight. Everybody else was getting to bed, now; you could hear indistinct noises and muffled voices.

You felt part of the mattress you were laying on sink down, but you didn't need to turn around to see who it was. A sigh fell from your lips. "Patrick, go."

He put his hand on your waist, huffing softly. "Baby doll, I'm sorry."

"I don't care. I'm trying to sleep. Go to bed," you snapped.

Patrick sighed. "Are you still upset that I yelled at you?"

You scooted closer to the wall. "No. Please go away."


"Go!" You spat back. Your eyes burned with tears, but for whatever reason, your stubborn ass felt like refusing comfort. Patrick evidently took the hint and stood up.

"If you mean that," he said softly, "I'll leave you alone. Goodnight."

You kept silent in your bunk for a few minutes, hiding your face in a pillow. The tears came silently, but your shoulders shook underneath the blanket you were covered by.

You were being stupid, really, deciding not to just apologize and get it over with. After probably ten minutes, you turned over and looked towards Patrick's bunk in the dark.

"Patrick?" You asked softly, hoping he could hear you. You could hear shuffling from his bed.

"Yeah, love?" He said. "Finally done being mad at me?"

You ignored the little smile you could hear in his voice. "Can I.. Can I lay with you?"

Patrick chuckled softly. "Of course, baby. Come here."

You slid out of bed and padded over to Patrick's in the dark, feeling your way around until your hands hit the mattress.

He put his hands on your waist and pulled you into him, running one of his hands through your hair. "I'm sorry I yelled, baby girl," he whispered, his breath tickling your ear.

You shook your head. "I was stupid for not letting it go and apologizing."

"Yeah, you kind of were."


"Kidding, Princess," he said. "I really am sorry, though."

You craned your neck back a little to kiss his cheek, breathing out softly. "It's okay. I love you."

"I love you too, dork."

idk what this was.

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