promise me

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im a terrible and sleep deprived writer lmao this chapter is terrible and uncreative as fuck

You drew the blankets tightly around you, your eyes clued to the TV screen. Singing in the Rain was playing for the second time; old movies like that one always put you in a good mood. However, you weren't really feeling any better.

A nearly empty box of Oreos sat on the coffee table in front of you, and a box of tissues next to that. Your hands shook as you adjusted the volume of the movie playing before you; turning it up, almost as if to muffle how sad you felt.

The house phone across the room rang loudly, hurting your ears and making you groan. You pushed your head into the couch cushions.

"Go away," you said to no one in particular, more tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. You let the phone keep ringing, not being able to gather up enough energy to get up and answer it. Finally, the voicemail box went off.

"Hello? Are you there? Sweetheart?"

When you heard Patrick's voice, strained and cracking a little, you nearly fell off of the couch. The familiar nickname made your heart ache.

"You probably are. I don't blame you for not talking to me. I don't deserve to talk to you after the way I did last time."

You sat up slowly, sinking back into the corner of the couch. It wasn't exactly a shock, Patrick calling, but it still choked you up a little.

"Please listen to me, baby. I don't know if we're done or not, but please, please hear me out."

"I feel so shitty about snapping at you. I shouldn't have said what I did to you; all of the names and insults were completely uncalled for. You were completely right when you said I needed to hear you out. The entire fight we had was my fault. I can't imagine how you're feeling, but.. Please, just call me when you get that, baby. I'm so sorry. I hope you still love me enough to forgive me."

A small beep signaled that the message was over, and it was suddenly silent in the living room except for the movie playing.

Of course you still loved him, and of course you forgave him. He had no way of knowing that, of course, considering you hadn't answered his texts or calls to your cell phone until now. You wished with all of your being that you'd called him sooner.

Fumbling and with your hands shaking a little, you dialed Patrick's number into your cell phone and waited for him to pick up. On the third ring, he did.

"Y/N? I-is that you?" He said, his voice sounding a little strained.

You nodded, even though he couldn't see you. "Yeah, it's me."

"Did you, um, get my message? Because I kind of-"

"I got your message," you said. "Can you come over?"

"Of course."

It took Patrick about ten minutes to get to you, and when he got to the house he let himself in. Against your better judgement, you threw the blankets to the side and practically leaped off of the couch, making your way over to Patrick. His face lit up visibly, the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

He looked so, so tired that it broke your heart. Dark circles hugged his eyes and he looked unbelievably sad.

You didn't say anything before you wrapped your arms around him, tucking your head into the crook of his neck. Patrick sighed heavily into your hair.

"Baby," he mumbled, "I'm so sorry. You have no idea."

You shook your head. "Shh, it's alright. I promise."

Patrick took your face in his hands, gently pulling away from you enough so that he could look you in the eyes. His blue eyes seemed wider than usual, but also darker with the circles underneath them.

"No, it's not. I haven't said I'm sorry nearly enough. I've.. Practically exiled you to Oreo and Sadness island."

You smiled a little, chuckling breathily. Your mouth found your way to his, and you kissed him softly while you tried to think of something, anything good to say. He tasted a little like whiskey.

Patrick was the first to pull away, again, but you were the first to speak this time.

"You didn't exile me," you sighed. "I exiled myself. I refused to text you and work things out and spent two days rolling in self pity and cookie crumbs."


"Shut up. I'm not done apologizing," you said. "My point is, I'm so unbelievably sorry, and I never want anything between us to get this terrible again, okay?"

Patrick nodded, gently tracing circles into the sides of your face. "It won't, baby. Never again."

You bit your lip. "Promise me."

"I promise you."

"And you mean that?"

"I do."

i feel legitimately sorry for anybody who read this because you guys were probably expecting something better after me not updating for nearly a week lmao.

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