what's in your hair (3/3)

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It had taken probably an hour and a half to get it all done, but your hair was fully and completely dyed. Patrick hadn't let you look at yourself, keeping you on edge and dying to see what you looked like with the pink hair. Or, whatever color your hair had been transformed into from its natural states

Now, Patrick had you standing in front of the bathroom mirror, your back against his chest.You giggled as he spun you around, his hands over your eyes. "Baby, it's my hair. I'd like to see it," you insisted.

He laughed in your ear, his scruff gently tickling your cheek as his face pressed against it. "I know, I know, it's just.. I think you're really gonna like this color in your hair."

You huffed. "Then why won't you let me see it, silly?"

Patrick shrugged his shoulders, and you felt his chest vibrate as he giggled. "I don't know. It's fun you make you wait, huh?" He said.

You slapped at Patrick's arm. "Would you please let me see my hair, Patrick?"

The temptation to know what your hair looked like had been killing you since Patrick had started helping you put the hair dye in, rinse it out, and then dry your hair, but it was especially terrible now. More than anything, you wanted to know if you looked good, or just like a was of chewed up bubble gum of sorts.

Your husband kissed your cheek, and very slowly let his hands drop down from your eyes, to your shoulders, and finally down to touch your hips. For whatever reason, you kept your eyes closed.

"You can look," Patrick whispered, squeezing your hip and nudging your lower leg. Slowly, you opened your eyes.

It almost made you gasp, how drastically different it was. Your hair was completely transformed; pastel and baby pink from your roots to your tips. You touched it gingerly, and it was surprisingly soft. "I.. Thought the bleach would have ruined it," you said stupidly.

Patrick laughed a little. "I put a little product in it to keep your hair soft. The conditioner and shampoo probably helped too." He bit his lip. "So, what do you think of it?"

You scoffed, shaking your head. "I love it."


You nodded your head again. "Yes, definitely. It's so pretty, honestly, I wish I'd done this color before."

Patrick released your waist and leaned over to toss plastic packaging and cardboard into the trash can. "Good. Now.. How would you feel about wearing something to match your hair?"

"Whatever you say."

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