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no plot, no originality, just random fluff snippets

Patrick's acquired quite a few habits concerning you.

Whenever he's bored, sleepy, or whatever, Patrick likes to play with your fingers. If you're wearing a ring, he'll twirl it around your finger while your watching a movie, falling asleep, whatever. He's a hand holder.

When Patrick is tired or laying down with you, he's the clingiest little shit ever. When you first started sleeping in the same bed, he barely wanted to touch you. After a few weeks, however, he had to have you close to him. In his sleep, even, he'll whine whenever you let him go and try to pull you close to him. Even if it's just his fingertips on your arm, he has to be touching you, just to remind himself that you're there.

Patrick can't exactly do hair, but for whatever reason, he braids your hair all the time. He'll seat you on his lap or sit you in between his legs and braid your hair or do a little tiny braid in the shorter parts of it. He probably partly taught himself to do it after playing with our hair so often, but it was cute whenever he'd bite his lip and concentrate on twisting sections of your hair into a braid.

Patrick liked touching your inner and upper thighs a lot. His fingers will slowly slide up and down your inner thigh whenever he's talking to you or watching something. He does it so absentmindedly that he doesn't even notice when it's driving you crazy, sometimes, but it still does.

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