puppy dog eyes

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"Princess?" Patrick said groggily, stumbling after you into the kitchen. His glasses were on sideways and his hair was sticking up a little. "What're you doing up?"

You turned away from the sink, meeting his eyes in the dim kitchen light. "Just getting some water," you mumbled. "I couldn't sleep very well."

Patrick sighed a little, rubbing one of his eyes. He walked toward you slowly and put his arms around your waist. "What's keeping you up?"

You shrugged a little, leaning your head back against his shoulder. "Nothing in particular. Just can't sleep."

"You sure?" He asked softly. "No nightmares or anything?"

You giggled a little when you felt him yawn against your cheek. He was cute when he was tired- cute all the time, but especially when he was tired.

"Yes, I'm sure," you told him. "Now, tell me, what are you doing up?"

Patrick smiled. "Mm.. I couldn't sleep either."

You scoffed and spun around, putting your arms around Patrick's neck. "That's a lie."

He shook his head. "No, it's not. I woke up and you weren't in bed, and I couldn't get back to sleep."

You smiled and stood up a little straighter to kiss his forehead. "You're sweet."

"Just missed you is all, baby girl."

You sighed a bit, tilting your head and resting it in Patrick's neck. "I'm literally a staircase away from the bedroom, babe."

Patrick pulled you closer to him, pressing his face against your hair and faintly kissing you behind your ear. "You know what I mean. When you're not there to cuddle I get anxious."

You chuckled. "Awe, baby."

He shushed you, nudging your head a little with his nose. "Mm.. Be quiet," he teased. "Come back to bed with me."

A sigh fell from your lips, your breath tickling Patrick's neck and making him shiver slightly. "But I'm not tired."

"Yeah, you are," he said. "You just don't want to admit it."

You scrunched your nose up a little in distaste. "Touché, mister," you sighed. Patrick slid his hands under your pajama shirt, letting them rest on the small of your back.

"Please, Princess?" He pleaded, pressing a kiss to your temple. "I'm sleepy and I want you up in bed with me."

"Sleep up there without me for a while," you said. "I'll be up in a little bit."

Patrick put his hands on the sides of your face, tilting your head up so that you were looking him in the face. "I already said please once, sweetheart."

Finally, you sighed, and nodded. You couldn't say no very easily to the subtle puppy eyes Patrick was giving you.

"Fine," you huffed. "I'm only doing this because you're giving me that stupid puppy look."

Patrick's eyebrows knit together, his lower lip curling into a slight pout. "I'm not giving you a puppy look."

You rolled your eyes. "Mm.. Sure."

Patrick laughed softly, fitting his mouth to yours. When he pulled away enough to speak, his lips still brushed yours while he whispered.

"Just be quiet and come up to bed with be, stubborn."

shitty and short but it's something

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