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You stormed into the house with your coat fluttering behind you, shutting the door and forgetting that Patrick was coming in behind you. He managed to catch the door and walk inside after you, sighing. Your boyfriend followed you into the kitchen.

"Will you slow down and calm yourself?" Patrick huffed, placing his hand on your shoulder. You roughly shook his hand off, throwing your over coat onto the kitchen island.

"No, I won't," you snapped, refusing to meet his eyes. You weren't sure if you wanted to cry or scream. Maybe both.

Patrick shoved his hand into his right coat pocket, and you could see him clenching his fingers into a fist. "Please?" He said, exasperatedly and a little stupidly. "Can you blame me this much for losing my temper?"

Leaning into the kitchen counter, you finally looked at him. "Maybe not, but I'm going to anyway," you said stubbornly.

Patrick scoffed. "You're kidding me, right?" He spat, obviously irritated. "You were being short with me the entire night but the minute I so much as raise my voice.."

You pretended not to hear him, opening the refrigerator door rather violently. Bottles clinked together as you shoved a few items aside to grab an apple. You didn't even like apples that much, but you sunk your teeth into one to shut yourself up.

"I'm trying, here," you heard Patrick say, a little desperately. "I told you I'm sorry for getting mad and I mean that."

Chewing the apple rather slowly and deliberately, you shook your head. Patrick reached for your hand, but you pulled it back. You could practically hear him getting frustrated again.

"Whatever, be like that," he mumbled. "I tried to make this a good night because- fuck it. It doesn't matter."

Your ears perked up for a moment and you turned your hear toward him, but your boyfriend was already out of the kitchen. He tossed his coat haphazardly onto the coffee table, and then disappeared from your line of vision. Once his footsteps receded up the stairs, you tossed the barely eaten apple into the trash, kicked your shoes off, and went into the living room to plop down on the couch.

Slowly, as you turned on the television and channel surfed for a few minutes, your anger faded, and was replaced with guilt. He really did try to apologize to you, but you hadn't been having any of it.

You sighed and curled up on one corner of the couch, finally putting down the remote once you found a rerun of Law and Order. You sat back and tried to watch that for a while, but a bitter taste had settled in your mouth and you couldn't focus.

Halfway through the episode you were watching, Patrick came back downstairs. He headed for the kitchen, and out of the corner of your eye, you could see him in a pair of grey pajama pants and a blue tee shirt. You made sure he didn't catch you looking at him when he walked back into the room.

Your arms folded across your chest, you glanced up at Patrick. He strode over the the CD case that was standing next to the television.

"Are you gonna ignore me for the rest of the night?" You asked bluntly, biting the inside of your lip. Patrick visibly tensed.

"I'm not ignoring you. Stop that," he mumbled, going through the large array of discs. "I tried too hard to make this night nice and it completely backfired. You're not helping."

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. "Mind telling me why you wanted tonight to be so very nice? And decided to be pissy instead?"

Patrick whipped around, his jaw clenched. You thought he might yell again, but he sighed heavily instead. "You wanna know? You really wanna know?"

Before you could open your mouth, Patrick bent over and reached into his coat pocket, and then tossed something into your lap. He looked and sounded on the verge of tears as he finally grabbed a CD. "It doesn't matter now, anyway, because you're pissed at me. Sorry."

When you looked at the object in your lap, your eyes immediately widened, anybody's would upon finding a familiar looking velvet box in their lap.

You opened it slowly. Inside of the box was an engagement ring; a plain silver band, with one small diamond set in it, surrounded by a few other diamonds in a sort of triad type pattern. Your breath caught in your throat, and you couldn't have felt more guilty and giddy at the same time, in that moment.

You pulled the ring from the box and sat up further, turning it over in your fingers. "Sure," you said quietly, biting your bottom lip.

Patrick turned around again, but this time looking a little hurt and confused, his eyes teary. "Sure? What does that mean?"

"It means.. Sure," you said, breathing in slowly so that you wouldn't cry. A smile played at your lips.

"'Sure' as in, um.." Your boyfriend (fiancé?) stepped forward cautiously, his expression looking significantly more hopeful.

You looked up at him with a "duh" look, and then back down to the ring in your hands. "'Sure' as in yes, I'll marry you, you fucking idiot," you said, your voice a little breathless. "'Sure' as in I'm.. Sorry that I prevented you from giving this to me."

"Baby, what? You're serious?" He knelt down in front of you.

"I wouldn't say it if I weren't."

A moment of silence passed; you still staring down at your lap and Patrick looking at you with a sort of awed expression. You imagined, for a few seconds, where you'd be now if you hadn't had that little tiff with Patrick- perhaps with the ring already on.

Finally, after what felt like too long, Patrick took one of your hands, holding out his palm. "Could I..?"

You dropped the ring into his hand, and he didn't waste any time slipping the ring onto your finger. It was a very Cinderella moment, you could say.

"Does this mean you're not mad at me?" You're voice nearly faltered. You couldn't stop smiling.

"Damn right," he murmured. He tilted your chin up and kissed you, sighing against your mouth while you both tried not to grin. The two of you pulled away giggling.

"That was a lame way to propose. I had to do it myself."

Patrick shifted a little, his mouth inches from yours. You could feel him speak. "I would've earlier, if you'd let me," he said. "But you want to?"

You nodded, laughing again. "Yes, yes," you said. "But you never asked me."

Patrick sighed, but in amusement. "Fine. Will you marry me, ever-so-demanding love of mine?"

"Will you kiss me?"

"You already know that answer's yes."

"Likewise with mine."

JSESUS FUCK THIS WAS TERRIBKE but i updated!! after twelve years???

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