shit faced (2/2)

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When you opened your eyes, sunlight hit your face and immediately made you want to close your eyes again. A headache made your entire head throb, and your mouth felt like sandpaper.

You finally opened your eyes again and slowly sat up, rubbing your forehead and glancing around the room. You could tell it was yours, considering you were sitting in your bed and everything was familiar, but you couldn't remember exactly how you got there.

A glass of water and a bottle of ibuprofen were sitting on your nightstand, and you gratefully swallowed two pills and downed the glass of water. Your hungover self didn't want to be dragged out of bed, but you wanted something to eat, and staying in bed all day wouldn't be good for you.

So, you clambered out of bed and padded slowly downstairs, nearly half asleep and trying not to disturb your headache. When you stumbled into your living room, your boyfriend was sitting on the couch and watching some TV show that you didn't recognized.

Patrick turned his head to look at you once he heard you walking. "Did you just get up, Princess?" He asked.

You nodded, making your way toward the couch. "Uh huh," you mumbled, plopping down on the furniture.

Patrick chuckled, running his fingers through your messy hair. "I take it you're pretty hungover, hm?"

You nodded. "Yeah," you said, putting your head against Patrick's thigh. "What happened last night?"

"Well," Patrick sighed, "you drunk texted me, and then I called you and came over. I don't know why but you were drunk off of your ass, so I made you go to bed."

Your eyebrows knit together as you tried t remember. "Oh. I don't think I've ever gotten that drunk before, have I?"

Patrick chuckled. "Not around me, at least. You really don't remember much?"

You shook your head. "Nope. I kind of remember deciding to have a drink after the Notebook, but that's it."

Your boyfriend rolled his eyes, rubbing your arm. "I'd need a drink if I were watching that, too."

You lightly hit Patrick's knee, groaning and turning over onto your back. "Shut up. It was like, two in the morning and I was bored."

"Oh, I know, babe," Patrick teased. "Maybe you could be bored and watch better television, then."

"Ooh, touché."

yeah this was terrible but i have no ideas and just needed to update

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