bossy pants

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holy fuck it has been forever since i have updated im so sorry

A little cold air tickled your nose, which was one of the only parts of your body poking out from underneath the bed covers. You'd dived underneath the covers straight after dinner last night with a fever and an upset stomach and hadn't crawled out since, except to use the bathroom once or twice. It was only about nine in the morning, but Patrick was already up and you had been in bed for over twelve hours. You needed to get up.

Gathering a blanket around your shoulders, you sat up and slowly stepped out of the bed. You dragged the comforter with you all the way down the hallway and downstairs, poking your head around the corner into the kitchen.

Patrick was standing at the stove in his staple batman pajama pants and a black Television tee shirt, stirring around eggs in a skillet. His glasses were sitting a little lopsided on the bridge of his nose, and his bed head was just a little crazier than usual. Once he heard you walk up behind him, he turned around and set down the spatula.

"What are you doing up, baby?" Patrick asked, scratching behind his ear. His hair was fluffy and sticking up every which way, and his morning voice was gruff and deep as per usual.

You shrugged, shuffling toward him and putting your head against his shoulder. "I felt gross laying in bed for, like, twelve hours. Actually, more than that."

Your husband chuckled, pushing your hair behind your ear and kissing your temple. He picked up the spatula again. "Yeah, but you're sick. You don't have to be down here. You have an excuse to be in bed."

"I don't wanna be in bed anymore," you protested.

Patrick raised an eyebrow, pulling you closer to him by your waist. "Really? Because you brought half of it down here with you," he pointed out, nodding down toward the thick blanket covering your body.

You stuck your tongue out at him. "I'm just chilly. Plus, I wanted to see you."

"I would've come back upstairs to see you eventually."

"You know what I mean."

Patrick chuckled, scooping the scrambled eggs onto a paper plate and turning off the burner. "Yeah, I do. Do you want any breakfast, babe?"

You made a face and shook your head. "Nah, I'm good. I ate last night."

Patrick turned around with the plate in his hands, his eyebrows furrowed together. "Yeah, last night. If you don't eat you'll feel even worse."

"But you asked me, not ordered, which means I can say no."

"Let's just say the question was rhetorical, then," Patrick sighed.

"But I'm not hungry," you complained.

"You need to eat. Don't make me feed you," he teased.

"What a cruel punishment," you said. "I don't know how I'll ever manage."

Patrick smacked your butt playfully, grinning, which made you jump a little. He nodded to the dining table in the next room . "Go sit down. I'll make some toast for you, too."

You smiled, picking up the blanket so you wouldn't trip while you walked toward the table. "Ugh."

"Hey, no complaining. You'll thank me later," he said. "Now, sit down."

You chuckled a little and plopped down into a chair. "Okay, fine, bossy pants."

"Oh, shut up."

this sucked but oh well hope u liked it

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