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sorry for the lack of imagines lately,, kind of in a funk ig. i also apologize for the questionable title but I'm not feeling creative lately

Patrick plopped down next to you on the couch, sliding his arm around your shoulders. You looked up from your phone to look at his smiling face.

"What, babe?"

Patrick bit his lip in thought for a moment. "Have you ever been to a farmer's market?"

Your eyebrows rose up at the rather out of the ordinary question. Truthfully, you never had been to one, but then again, your boyfriend had never mentioned liking farmer's markets. You shook your head.

"Um, no," you said, "I don't really think I have."

"Well," Patrick nudged your shoulder, "how would you feel about going to your first one today?"

You shrugged a little, shifting closer so that you were leaning on Patrick. "I mean, I wouldn't mind, I guess," you said. "You've never even mentioned anything to me about wanting to go to one, though."

Patrick chuckled a little and glanced down at his lap, running his thumb over your shoulder. "I used to go to them a lot. I wanted to take you to one."

"Well, why didn't you say something before? I would've gone," you told him.

Your boyfriend took his arm off your shoulder and moved so he was facing you, sitting Indian style.

"There hasn't been one very close to us until this weekend," he said.

You smiled, watching his blue eyes light up with excitement. You turned toward him so that his nose was close to yours. "Then take me to it, why don't you?"

"Fine. Soon as you get some pants on."

About half an hour later, after you'd showered, let your hair dry, and put on some shorts, Patrick had driven you about an hour outside of town and dragged you into the bustling market. You were a bit sheepish, walking around and not knowing what to do, but Patrick somewhat guided you.

He led you over to a wooden booth with a sweet looking lady behind it, and multiple jars of what looked like honey on the counter. "Hi," Patrick greeted the woman. "Have any new flavors for us to try?"

The lady smiled at the both of you. "I think I do," she said, reaching beneath her and pulling out a few smaller jars. "Have either of you been here before?"

You shrugged. "It's my first time. My boyfriend, though," you gestured to Patrick, "has. Now, what are we trying?"

"Honey," she told you, gathering a few plastic sampling spoons and opening the jars of honey. "Different flavors infused into them."

Patrick pulled his arm around your waist and hugged you to his side. "Sounds good. Which one first?"

You and Patrick spent probably fifteen more minutes at the honey booth, which may or may not have included you spoon feeding Patrick some strawberry infused honey and Patrick kissing some orange honey off of your cheek. In the end, you ended up picking out some vanilla infused honey and the same orange type that had been on your cheek.

You laced your fingers with your boyfriend's, holding the small canvas shopping bag in your free hand. "Where to next?" You asked him.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"I don't care," you sighed. "Surprise me."

Patrick pulled you off to the side, squinting and looking around the market to presumably find a good booth to stop at. After a minute or two, he pointed to a green booth, larger and newer looking than the one you'd visited before.

"That one," he told you.

You shrugged a little. "Okay, lead the way."

He eagerly pushed forward toward the newly discovered booth, you giggling behind him and shaking your head. Upon arrival, you discovered it was a booth containing tiny succulents; rows upon rows of them. You grinned.

"Patrick, these are adorable," you mused, picking up one of the plants and looking it over. It was almost flower shaped, and in a white ceramic pot.

Your boyfriend nudged you gently. "Then get one. You could put in in the kitchen?" He suggested. You nodded.

"Either way, I want one," you said. For a few minutes, you studied a few other plants, but eventually paid for the first one you looked at.

"You could name it," Patrick pointed out. You laughed a little.

"Name a plant?"

"Yes, name a plant!" Patrick said it like it was the most obvious choice. "Something cute."

You playfully shook your head. "Okay, fine, um.. Steve."


You nodded. "Steve the potted plant."

"Actually, it's a succulent."

"Shut it."

The rest of your outing seemed to go by rather fast. Neither you nor Patrick spent much money, but you did use up a lot of time just admiring the pretty displays of sweets or making faces at the stalls selling raw meats. Eventually, though, Patrick did drag you back to the car. The ride home was mostly silent, but it was pleasant.

After you both had a shower and were changed into pajamas, you and Patrick dove into bed. Patrick gently nosed your neck.

"Mm.. Today was good," he mumbled into your skin. Your lips brushed against his hair while you spoke.

"It was," you sighed. "I wanna go back already."

Patrick chuckled softly. "Awe, baby, it's ending tomorrow evening. Probably won't be back until next spring or summer."

You made some sort of a whining noise. "Noo, you're kidding."

He shook his head. "Sorry, sweetheart. I wish I was."

You rolled over and threw your leg over Patrick's. "Then we'll go tomorrow morning."

Patrick shook his head again. "I can't go with you, then. I have to work."

Your lower lip jutted out. "But it won't be any fun."

"I'm sorry, babe. Really, I want to go, but I can't."

You flipped over onto your back, shutting your eyes and groaning. Patrick leaned over to pepper kisses up and down your neck. "Don't me mad, baby doll."

"I'm not mad," you sighed. "I just wanted to go again. I dunno. I'm a child- it was like going to Chuck E. Cheese again."

Patrick tilted your head down so he could look at you in the eyes, kissing your nose. "Look, I promise I'll take you next year Princess."


"I promise," he said."

You smiled. "Good. That's good. Steve needs a friend."

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