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"Why? What's so special about that girl?" The demon gestured to the girl who was sobbing in the middle of hell. Crying every last tear out of her system. Holding a limp and dead body in her arms. Yelling and shouting.

Hades stood there with the demon. The demon was what the girl couldn't see, nor could she hear the conversation because she was drowning in her own grief. "Why her?" He echoed again to his father and another silent pause was held, making the girl's yearning and pain more louder each time she cried.

"Because that girl has hope." It came out as a faint whisper that the demon could barely hear. "Hope," the demon laughed, it was mighty and strong and it vibrated the dead land. "Hope? The one she wanted to save most, died. She has no hope for the rest of her life."

"She can change you Demon. She can give you that hope. That tiny bit of a glistening happiness that you long for. She could be your reason for survival. Not all demons have someone to pull them back from the edge. I am making her that person." He echoed and the girl looked up, seeing both Hades the man, and the demon that was bent light forming and waving shadow.

"Save him!" She sobbed and then she realised it was too late. The last heartbeat bounced off every surface and his last breath was hushed. "Luna my dear child, you have nothing left for me to have." Hades said in a soft and gentle voice.

"Send them back. All of them." She screamed and everyone who was around blocked their ears from the screech. The three boys, the girl, the demon and even Hades. Every bone in her body was broken, every tear soaked into the ground. Hades nodded and a girl appeared out of nowhere, within a blink they were gone.

"Luna Truscott Hunt. I offer you a deal." The girl stiffened up and slowly her bones were clicking and aching as they healed and became unbroken. Leaving the dead body of a boy named Hayes, she stood up wiping the crystal tear streaks from her pale face.

"Blue and purple eyes? What the hell are you?" Asked the hovering demon that shape shifted into a boy. One with black hair and what looked like blue eyes. "What kind of offer?" She asked intrigued with the temptation. "My offer is, your friends shall go unharmed by any demon. They remain safe and have no business in this world, however in exchange for their safety, you must be bound to the Blake family. But one specific Blake in particular. That one shall have your soul."

She stared at the boy who was taller than her. Pale skin and ripped jeans. A black hoody and long hair. His fingers as long as sticks and he was as skinny as a lamppost. Weighing the pros and cons of her friends safety and her sanity.

The boy stepped forward moving his hair from his crystal sapphire like eyes. Smiling a devilish smile, he stuck his pale arm out to greet the girl, the new recruit. Shaking it, terrified, she tried not to let her face show fear.

"Hi, I'm Rethica Blake, and you're bound to me now."

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