Tony, still frozen in place, had his eyes locked on mine. "Hey?" I asked. "Did you see something?"
"Oh Lord," he mumbled. Yea, he probably knows that I'm "Satan" by now.
"I have to go," I said, getting up. He grabbed my wrist.
"Why? Sit down," he told me with his normal smile.
"What happened?" I asked him, sitting down
"Your face I only had a glance, but it had the most soft and angelic features,"he told me. I stared at him with distaste. He nearly gave me an heart attack, honestly!
"Thank you." I mumbled, regaining my usual heart beat. He got up taking my hand.
"Allow me to have this dance," he asked.
"Um, I...I don't know how to dance," I mumbled. He smiled.
"Let me teach you," Tony said, walking over and helping me up we walked to the dance floor, as slow music came on. It was so relaxing that I could've slept. Tony wrapped his arms around my waist.
"What are you doing?" I hissed.
"It's a dance posture. Now you wrap your arms around my shoulders," he told me.
"This is ridiculous." I mumbled, obeying the command so I don't embarrass my self even more.
We swayed for a while, until Tony rested his head on my shoulder. I nearly stumbled to the couple behind us. Why in the world did I come to accept this? Did my fever heal yet?
The dance was coming to an end, until I felt Tony placing a kiss on my cheek. "Oh hell!" I blurted out, pulling away. I tripped over his shoes and got knocked in to some one behind me. I looked up at the person who caught me and saw Lancer glaring down at me. I pushed away glaring at Tony, who smirked back at me.
"Were you just dancing? Oh my god. you were dancing weren't you and with a boy too!" Vinny squeaked. I glared at her, unable to explain this embarrassing situation.
"You were dancing the whole time and we were looking all over for you. Gee, sorry for the intrusion love couples," Lancer made fun of.
"Sh-Shut up!" I yelled at him. "What do you know!"
"That you have been enjoying your time with a man," Lancer argued.
"Silence I have some self respect!" I yelled. The song ended and people started to notice us.
"Hey, follow me and we'll discuss things we don't want to disturb the people here," Tony said, grabbing my arm and leading us out.
"Don't touch me," I told Tony, being released from his grip. We entered another small room and sat at a couch connected to the wall. There wasn't anyone around.
"Hey it is fine we can leave you two if you want," Lancer mocked me even more.
"Shut up. Really do you take me as that kind of woman?" I asked him with rage. Lancer shrugged. I glared at him.
"Sir, it is as she says. It was my fault. I dragged her in to a dance and kissed her. Is there a problem with that?" Tony told Lancer. Lancer looked at Tony with disgust.
"Not at all. But here is a tip, don't go around kissing other women and then kiss another different one. But considering you kissed that girl it's fine with me," Lancer replied with and irritated tone.
"You have taken it far Lancer." I warned him.
"At least I consider a woman's feelings unlike you." Tony told him.
"I do not need such feelings." Lancer replied.
"Well then, you won't mind if I take her in as my woman," Tony said. I got up, slamming my fists in to the table.
"Hey. If you don't want to die, then shut up." I said with a tone that even terrified myself.
"I will object in that one." Lancer ignored me. "We three need to stick together whether we like it or not. You can have her after that," Lancer replied.
"No. I'll stay with him," I spoke up, sitting down.
"You'll what?" Vinny spoke up. I don't know why I said that. It wasn't me just now.
"I'm staying with Tony," I repeated. No! Why do I keep on saying that?!
"She said it," Tony told them. Lancer gave us a blank expression. My arms react by themselves as they embraced Tony. What in the world was going on! I couldn't speak, nor could I move on my free will.
"Hey! What's wrong with you?! Are you trying to tease Lancer?" Vinny asked. Do you think I'd go so far Vinny?!
"I belong to him only." I spoke up.
"If you say so," Tony said, placing an arm around me. I couldn't pull back! I looked at Lancer. He was too quiet. He looked down at the floor, as his hair fell to his eyes. To be honesty he looked a bit creepy. The air around me got colder. Lancer extended his arm and dragged me towards him by my hair. He looked at me with a blank stare and smacked me right across the face. You little bastard. I got knocked in to the table in front of the couch, getting the breath knocked out of me.
"Lancer!" Vinny yelled, rushing to my side. I fell on my knees, still unable to move. It was like my body was being controlled. Wait a minute, was Tony, controlling my body?! After all he could be working for Thresh! This bastard, and I fell in to his trap. Lancer walked over and grabbed me up by the hair.
"We are going to finish this cursed quest whether you like it or not," He whispered in my face. Bastard I am going to freaking kill you. I'm being controlled here! Figure it out!
"She chooses to be with me though. It doesn't matter what you say," Tony said, totally acting neutral about it. Lancer unleashed his blade.
"Stop controlling her bastard." Lancer said, charging at Tony. Tony snapped his fingers and I ran over, tackling Lancer to the floor. I had my knee pressed against his back and my hands gripping his wrists.
"Now, no need to hide it if you've figured it out," Tony replied, causing me to press and grip his wrists harder. I could see Lancer struggling from the pain. He wasn't fully recovered from the burn marks from before. "I'll make you suffer!" Tony yelled. I was forced to press more harder. Lancer let out a small yell. I heard a crack from his wrists. As much as I longed to get back at him, I didn't want him to suffer like this! Tony let out an evil chuckle. "Now kill him! Break him in half!" He ordered. I tried resisting my body but it wouldn't follow. My knee pressed harder on his back, causing his bones to fracture and crack. Lancer yelled out in pain.
"STOP MESSING AROUND WITH US!" Vinny yelled, fighting back tears. white light engulfed her just as it had when it happened to me before. She walked towards Tony, who was slowly backing away. Vinny ran up to him and punched him right in the chest. She held on to him so he wouldn't escape.
"No! Get away from me!" Tony yelled, punching her head, until his voice became all groggily. Saliva poured out of his mouth as his body smoked up. Smoke was released from his body until he collapsed. The light from Vinny swirled over to us. I felt my self regaining control of my body again. I fell and embraced Lancer, nearly crushing his bones again. I felt his heavy breathing against mine.
"Get off my back ugly," Lancer said.
"Oh shut up!" I got up, fighting back tears. Vinny fell down to her knees, breathing hard. Lancer sat up, as if his spine wasn't just fractured in to a million pieces. I ran over to Vinny. "Hey!" I told her. She was trying her best to regain energy to even speak up.
"I'm fine...jus...tired," She managed to reply. A hissing noise came from Tony's body.
"Lord Thresh is great! He shall stop you no matter the cost! He shall sto-" Before I let that pink disgusting blob of what was left of him in the floor continue, I crashed my fist down so hard on it that my knuckles started to bleed.
"WHY DON'T YOU SHUT UP!" I yelled with fury. Vinny took my injured hand.
"D-Don't hurt your self Kali," She scolded softly. My fist lit up in a white glow, and in no time it was healed.
"What the hell." I blurted out in surprise. "Since when could you heal others?" I asked.
"I don't know. Right now I just knew I had to heal you," She explained.
"Well it is pretty obvious. She just gained her power. Remember what Samuel told us," Lancer reminded.
"Oh yea! Not to mention that time when it happened to me too!" I jumped in.
"We need to get more information on this. If only that old man told us something." Lancer said.
"I think we will have to figure that out ourselves," Vinny said.
"But just now you can use your powers easily, when I think about my powers, nothing comes up," I explained.
"That is true," Vinny said. The door crashed open, regaling a teary eyed girl running towards Tony. An older man stepped in, shaking his head.
"Oh Tony! Why did you leave me alone amidst the crowd!" She dramatically said, blowing her nose in to a handkerchief. The once unconscious body, opened its eyes.
"What? What happened," Tony asked.
"He was controlled," I whispered to Vinny and Lancer.
"Were you three responsible for this action?" The old man asked. Lancer spoke up.
"Yea. He was annoying my woman, so he got knocked out," He told he guy.
"YOUR WOMA-" Before I could finish scolding him, he took me in a hug.
"Shut up if you know what's good for you, make something up," Lancer whispered in my ear.
"Ridiculous" I whispered back. "Oh Antonio. Thanks for saving me." I lied, barley putting any effort, as we pushed each other away.
"Tony aren't I good enough for you! What am I missing to please you?!" The girl said, shaking the confused man by his shoulders.
"Lila darling, what do you mean?" Tony asked, looking at me in a confused manner. The girl. who Tony called Lila, slapped him across the face, picked up her dress and ran out of the room crying. "Lila hold on!" Tony called, running after her.
"My son is as ignorant as ever. Excuse me if anything happened, but really in the end he is a good and sensible boy," The old man said.
"Wait you mean you own this ship?!" I asked in awe. He nodded.
"Please come with me. I feel responsible for this, so I shall take you to our VIP luxury cabin where the three of you can rest," the old man said.
We followed him in to a long hallway. He twisted open a door, and a huge room awaited us. Honestly nothing ever failed to surprise me. "You shall be staying in this room until the morning. Everything will be at your service. If you like, you can also join the poker game at midnight. Now please excuse me," He finished up, exiting the room.
I laid myself on the middle bed. This bed could probably fit the whole village back home. I closed my eyes, feeling the refreshing cold sheets against my bare face. I inhaled the cool air as a bucket of relaxation fell over me. Something hit my head hard. "What the hell was that for Lancer?!" I yelled.
"My own amusement," He replied, throwing his other pair of stinky shoes towards me.
"Ha! Caught it!" I mocked, as his shirt came flinging over to my face. I fell back, gagging from the stench of blood and sweat. Randomly, I threw his clothes, as a shoe hit Vinny in the back. She got up and gave us both a glare.
"I'd like to relax if you don't mind." She hissed, going back to sleep. I sat up in bed, the relaxation that was once poured over me was now gone. Leaning against the pillows, I listened until I heard Vinny's steady breathing. Then I decided to talk to Lancer.
"Hey you knew that I was being controlled right?" I asked him.
"Yea," he replied.
"Little bastard. And you hit me too!"
"That was the fun part," He replied. "Especially when you made that ridiculous excuse. Oh Antonio!" He mimicked.
"Shut up bastard," I mumbled, turning red. There was an awkward silence. "Hey," I said.
"What." Lancer replied in an annoyed tone.
"That time, when we were in the Mystic garden. I saw it, you had ice surrounding you. Wha-" Lancer jumped next to me and clamped my mouth shut. I stated silent as Vinny turned in her sleep. Then I wiggled away.
"Shut up and don't tell any one," he warned, giving me a cold stare.
"I mean you don't have to go so far! Geez," I mumbled. "But I was wondering, perhaps were you keeping it a secret when you told Samuel that your powers hadn't waken yet?" I asked. He look away to the other side. He sucks at this. "You were," I replied.
"Shut up. what do you know." He told me as a shadow fell on his face. I was going to make a mean comment, but I caught his lower lip tremble before it clamped shut. I turned his shoulder so he could face me. My eyes widened in surprise. He was actually crying.
"What a cry baby." I said, narrowing my eyes. I never liked others who'd cry and whine.
"Sh-shut up!" he yelled, wiping away stray tears from his eyes. "You don't know anything! You're just like the others. Stupid!" He told me.
"Heck I may be stupid and I will say that I don't know everything, but I can listen so I can know. And that's basically how I've been learning things in life." I told him. "You might have been going through problems but so did I and Vinny, why carry them alone?" I added.
"I've been always trying to explain them but know one cared or listened what different are you?" Lancer replied.
"Try me." I replied.
"I don't want to concern you with my problems," he told me, getting up. I clung to his wrist.
"You are so stupid!" I yelled at him. "Why are you so afraid?!" I asked.
"And why are you so persistent?" He asked.
"Because we are a group! We should help each other out." I told him. he rolled his eyes and removed my hand from his wrist.
"Going to sleep," he mumbled. I got so angry.
"Coward!" I yelled, shoving my head under the pillow and furiously forcing my self to sleep.
I woke up to moans. Aw shut up! I sat up in bed. "M-mom!" Lancer whispered. I walked over, trying bit to trip over the darkness. "Mom don't hate me. Mom I don't want you to go!" he mumbled as his hand reached out to nothing. I was actually surprised since I've never met or seen his mother. I mean most mothers are house wives, but when I was staying at his house I did not see a female. I noticed the temperature and the air around get colder.
"Hey Lancer," I whispered, shaking his shouldered. He pulled me down, in to his arms. I yelped in surprise as he buried his face in my neck and sobbed. Hesitantly I hugged him back, despite his freezing body. "What in the world gave you been carrying on your shoulders all alone?" I mumbled to no one.
"Mom," Lancer's muffled voice spoke up, as his hands gripped the back of my shirt. His breathing that was heavy, now turned softer, I hummed a tune that was always stuck in my head as long as I could remember. I sang it every time I felt down. I dosed in to sleep comforted by the song and by Lancer's, now, warm body.

FantasyKali, a young girl, who resides in the Kingdom of Hetalia is a very bold and strong girl. She is also very skilled with the art of the sword. She believes in herself, and cares for no one else. Everyone in her village hates her and call her Satan...