Chapter 20

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I am using my iPhone to write and update. Sorry for any auto corrections, I'll do my best to edit!

"Kali wake up," Vinny's voice whispered to me. I fluttered my eyes open, being blinded by the dim light.

"What's up?" I mumbled.

"You're sleeping in Lancer's bed. But to be honest the both of you looked so cute when you are silent!" She squealed. I opened my eyes wide. Lancer was still attached to me. I let go slowly, so he doesn't wake up. Mission failed. He quickly squeezed the life out of me then opened his eyes.

"What are you doing here woman." he asked with his normal boring tone. After what I've seen last night, some how that tough guy look doesn't suit him anymore.

"I'd like to know that too." Vinny smirked.

"Oh please! Save it!" I said, rolling my eyes. I got up.

"Anyway, we still have a couple of hours before we reach the island. I'll wait for you outside." Vinny said, leaving the room. I got out if bed, but Lancer caught my hand. I looked at him.

"What?" I asked. He smiled.

"Nothing," He said, loosening his grip. I stared in awe. Did he just smile? "What are you staring at you ugly pig, go away," he told me, letting go of my hand. I let out a growl and smacked him with the nearest pillow. And I was worried about him too!

"Bastard." I told him, as I left the room.

Vinny and I were slowly strolling across the ship. There weren't that much people around since the dawn had barley come out. We went in to the bathroom to wash up. Boy there were women in here! they had there weird white face masks on and towels on their head. They quickly tightened their robes and washed their face off.

"This is scary." I told Vinny who cracked up.

"Ooh the bounty slayers!" they cheered. I waved distastefully. Yea, whatever. I washed my face up and waited for Vinny to finish, then we left. Some men started to gather up outside. What caught my eyes was a crowd if people huddling on a table.

"Let's check that out!" I told Vinny dragging her along. I pushed through, poking my head. People were throwing cards and collecting gold. Interesting, gold! "Hey, hey let me try," I waved. They chuckled.

"A newbie, sure come I'd be glad to earn me some gold," a fat guy said. I squeezed in a chair and gig a deck if cards. Let's see.

"Wager gold." The guy told me. I reached in my pocket and took out all I had.

"Hey! think carefully," Vinny told me. I waved my hand.

"Ok!" the man said. I played, quickly adapting to the game.

"Jackpot!" the guy yelled and laughed. He took nearly half my gold!!! I glared at him. Ok time to get serious! He sipped champagne from his glass and motioned the game to continue. After a long bit I slammed the tdble.

"JACKPOT!" I cheered. I collected every single piece of gold the man had in front of him, and there was quiet a lot.

"Wooh! This gal knows the game!" a woman cheered me on. I smiled as a sack was delivered to me. I stacked the gold in the sack, watching the man's face of disbelief.

"Hold on! She was cheating! There is no way she cold have won!" He protested.

"Well maybe she did win and you were the one cheating?" Lancer's voice came from behind the guy. He lifted the guy's sleeve as a bunch of cards fell out.

"Albert! You cheated the whole time?! No wonder you kept on winning!" The woman yelled. I snickered and got up.

"Thank you," I told Lancer.

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