Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to Kate Frio

"Cole, Cheetos or Ruffles?" I asked Cole as I grabbed some snacks from the kitchen. We're at my place, all sprawled in the living room doing our homework. I insisted on doing homework here since I wanted to watch a show and I didn't have a TV in my room. I also wanted to talk to Cole about Xavier. I really can't figure out why he acts all grumpy around him.

"Ruffles, babe. And can you bring me an apple juice, too?" He called.

"Sure thing!"

I tossed him the bag of Ruffles as I slid next to him on the floor. I opened his juice for him as he opened the chips. Cole and I are addicted to Cheetos and Ruffles. I handed him his juice as he laid the bag of chips on my lap. I rested my head on his shoulder and read today's reading assignment. 

"You're not upset anymore, are you?" I asked him after a while. He had a pencil tucked on his ear while his eye brows were furrowed over a Trig problem.

He looked at me and frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I noticed that you were sort of upset at school today. Especially around Xavier. He's really nice, you know. You should be nicer to him." I told him.

Cole is not actually the friendliest person in the world, but he isn't grumpy at all. I was the grumpy one. He usually acts all this quiet and crabby around the guys I have dated before. And Xavier and I aren't even dating. Though deep down I secretly wish we were. 

Cole sighed deeply before answering. "I know, and I'm sorry. I also know that he's the son of your parents friends' so I should be nicer to him. I just don't like it that he acts all sweet and cheesy around you. He even calls you Princess!" Cole massaged the bridge of his nose. "Are you some kind of Disney character now?" He added sarcastically.

"Honestly, I don't know why he calls me that. And Xavier is just sweet. It's his personality. He's just been really nice to me. Please tell me you'll make an effort to be nicer to him." I pleaded him taking his face in both of my hands.

He avoided my eyes. "I don't know, Tash."

I hugged him hard. "Please, Coley? For me? Please, please, please, please!"

I felt Cole's hand around my waist and he sighed. "Okay, okay. I promise that I'll be nicer and won't act grumpy around him. And I also promise to break his nose when he does something to hurt you."

I slapped Cole on his back not breaking the hug. "Coley! He is not going to hurt me."

He chuckled. "Then he won't have his nose broken."

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