Chapter 28

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  • Dedicated to Krystin Janobas

"So, how are things with Cole?" Maddy asked. It was Saturday afternoon and we are all sprawled in my lawn, studying.

I shrugged and closed my literature book. "I don't know. We haven't seen each other much lately. He seems to be busy with his parents. I don't really know."

"Hasn't he told you anything? Don't you guys tell each other everything?" Lara asked.

"Yeah, we do. But he hasn't told me anything. Well, ever since I sort of told him I'm in love."

"What?!" Instantly, Maddy was pinning me to the ground. "You told him you love him? What did he say? So you're like a couple now?"

"No, we're not!" I said, shoving her away. "I said I told him I'm in love. I didn't tell him that I'm in love with him."

"Why not?" Lara asked.

I sat down and stared above. "I don't know. Maybe I'm just scared that what we'll have if I did tell him would just turn out just like my other past relationships."

Maddy patted my hand. "Trust me, that won't happen. I know Cole will take care of you."

"And you better start by telling him how you really feel. You don't want to be too late in doing that." Lara added.

I was about to reply when another voice came.

"Hey, girls!"

"Xavier?" I said. "What are you doing here?"

He shrugged and smiled. "Just visiting. I didn't know that you girls are having a picnic."

Maddy laughed. "Picnic. We are just having some girl time."

"Awww! Then I guess a boy like me can't join, right?" Xavier pouted.

Lara laughed while Maddy rolled her eyes. "Whatever, boy. Anyway, I'm gonna go get something to eat. Come with me, Lar?"

"Sure!" Lara agreed and gave me a wink before she and Maddy disappeared inside the house.

"So, what's up?" I asked.

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