Chapter 29

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Credits to my friend StarlightWisher for my new awesome cover! I love it! Thank youuuu! =)

~Xavier's POV~

My love is like the sun. It rises so beautifully and slowly that it amazes me. And just like the sun, my love lit up my supposed to be dark world the moment it came. But then, it isn't really like the sun. Because my love, unlike the sun, fell back so quickly. It never got to rise into the high skies but instead, the sunset came very early for me. I fell in love, but love never fell for me.

But if you ask me if I regret meeting Tasha or falling in love with her, I would absolutely say no. Never have a I regretted every single moment with Tasha nor will I ever do. Though it's really sad and painful when the one you love doesn't love you back. I guess, only the luckiest people in the world have the ones they love also love them back. And I'm just not that lucky. But no bitterness there. Besides, shouldn't it make you happy to see the one you love happy even though she's in the arms of the one she loves?

That's love, I guess. It's hard to find. It's hard to understand. It's painful, yet, it makes you happy.

"Xavier?" A guy's voice spoke behind me. I didn't have to look back to know who it was.

"Hey, Cole!"

"What's up? Here to play basketball too?" He asked. We were at the public court and Cole was carrying a ball with him.

I laughed. "No, I came here to chill."

He shrugged and dribbled the ball. "I'm waiting for Jake. Wanna play with me while he's not here?"

"Game on!" Cole passed the ball to me and I did a quick jump shot.

"Nice!" He complimented as he stole the ball from me for a lay-up.

"Not bad either." I said.

Cole just laughed and threw me the ball.

"I saw Tasha today." I said as I released the ball in the air and right through the ring. Cole surprised me when he almost tripped on his feet.

He cleared his throat when he saw me staring at him with a raised eyebrow. "So you guys are together now?"

Now it's my turn to trip on my feet. "What?"

He shrugged and made a jump shot. "I guess, she likes you after all."

I stood there, probably with my mouth hang open, thinking what on earth is this guy talking about?There's the girl he loves, who also happens to be the girl I'm madly in love with, who told me earlier that she likes him not me, and Cole is here in front of me telling me that Tasha likes me.

"Man, you're funny!"

Cole groaned and threw me the ball forcefully. "Alright, fine! This actually sucks. You don't really have to throw it in my face, you know."

I shook my head at him. All the while I though that Tasha was the naive one. What I didn't know was that Cole is also a member of the naive club. "You know what, man? You suck. You can't just go assume all that when I actually just got dumped. You're the know who's throwing it in my face, not me."

Cole raised an eyebrow at me and I just shrugged. "You got dumped? By whom? How many girls have you been going for?"

Yes, he is definitely a member of the naive club. "Man, that hurts. I only got one girl that I love. And that's Tasha. So there, Tasha dumped me. And hey, thanks for reminding me she did."

"Oh." was all Cole's reply.

"So yeah, there it is. So stop assuming that she likes me. Because clearly, you don't dump someone that you love. And you should be thankful she didn't dump you." I added the last sentence a little softer for him to hear.

"But she told me that's she's in love with someone. I assumed it was you." He said.

I laughed. "Man, misunderstanding are so over-rated."

"So who is she in love with then?"

I gave him a mischievous smile. That, he should figure out by himself. Where's the excitement in me telling him he is the one? "Why don't you go ask her?"

He sighed and thought about it. "Maybe I should do that."

"Then go give her a call. Invite her over or go ask her on a date or something. Now that I'm off the story you'll probably have a better chance at her."

He was about to grab his phone when it rang.

"Hello?" He said.

"Yeah." I heard him answer the person on the other line. "Tomorrow? Sure. Yeah, no problem. Okay. Sure, I'll see you. Bye."

He turned off his phone and faced me with an expression going from excitement to confusion then back to happiness and then confused again. "I think I just got a date with Tasha tomorrow. Set by her brother."

I laughed. Oh this is gonna be good.

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