Chapter 20

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I am so sorry this took so long! But I had a really terrible writer's block that I could not write at all. And I have also been very lazy lately. *sigh* But here it is. I honestly don't like my writing in this chapter. My writer's block is still killing me so I know this isn't really a good one. Forgive me! But nevertheless, I still hope you ENJOY! XD

*sorry this is unedited..


That awkward moment when I am standing between two absolutely hot guys and have a date with both of them at the same place and at the same time.

Awkward much? Well, you have no idea.

"Uh, hey?" I scanned my head for something to say, but words evaded me. I looked at Alec for help but he just smirked at me.

"We are supposed to go to the amusement park today, right?" Cole raised an eyebrow at me. The look on his face was a mix between confusion and a little bit of betrayal.

Xavier looked between me and Cole. "I asked her to go to the amusement park with me today, too."

I opened my mouth to answer them but closed it again too since I was lost for words. I looked at my brother again and he just looked like he's about to grab some popcorn and watch our little scene in amusement as if we were some movie. Pfft! Stupid brother.

I looked back at Cole and Xavier and saw that they were still waiting for my explanation as to why the two of them are here to pick me up.

"Well...The more the merrier!" That was my genius reply to them as I clapped my hands. Alec snorted and rolled his eyes while I fought the urge to strangle him.

"Okay.." Xavier said with a uncertainty. I'm sure he doesn't quite believe me.

Cole remained silent while staring at me and I knew that he knows that I had forgotten about our plans and just had to create an alibi. I looked at him apologetically.

"So I guess we better take Cole's car since there will be three of us." Xavier suggested. He must have brought his motorbike.

Cole and I nodded at the same time. 

"Well, come on. Let's go!" I said a little bit too enthusiastic. Please, don't let this be a day of awkwardness. Please work! Please, please, please!

The ride to the amusement park was beyond awkward. The silence was killing me and I have been fidgeting ever since I stepped inside of Cole's car. Xavier was sitting on the passenger seat while I was at the backseat, mentally beating myself for making a mess today. When did I become so forgetful?

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