The awkward closet

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Suggested by NightVale_Intern .
Awkward. That was really the only thing he could describe it as. Awkward. What was he going to do?!
Canada was in a small closet in his brothers house. He was looking for some towels so he could take a shower. However Prussia ran in and closed the door."what are you doing?" He had asked. Prussia looked over at him and grinned, "I'm hiding from Hungary." He whispered.
"What did you do to make her mad this time?" He really didn't mind being in a closet with Prussia.
"I may or may not have stolen her frying pan." He said simply.
"Ok well can you let me out?" Prussia nodded and tried to open the door. However nothing happened , he tried again and still nothing happened. The door was stuck. Prussia grinned sheepishly and said "oops." Canada rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall. There really was not enough space for both of them. There was barley enough room for one person, let alone two!
And that's how he got here. Now it was a little uncomfortable basically on top of your crush. He was as far away from Prussia as possible, since he really didn't want to make this any more awkward. However he moved a little so his legs wouldn't hurt, but as he was moving a a mop banged against the shelf. Which made the boxes that were ,barely, balanced on it to fall. Making the space even more cramped. Not only that but when the boxes fell, one landed in front of Canada and he tripped over it. Causing him to fall onto Prussia. Prussia did not blush at all. Nope. He was holding Canada around the waist, trying to hold him up. Canada's hands were on his chest. Their lips very close to almost touching. Let's just say that they were both blushing. Hard. Prussia closed the distance between their lips. The kiss was slow and sweet. It was a beautiful kiss.
Little did either of them know that the whole reason that the door was stuck was Hungary. She knew that Prussia ran into the closet and put a chair in front of it. She actually was going to let him out but she heard Canada talking. So she decided against it. Come on, her OTP in a closet together. It was to good to pass up. So she left them there and decided not to think about all the things they could do in that closet.
The two countries stayed in the closet for about five hours. What they did in that time, I'll leave that up to your imagination.

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